Technology Professional Development Jordan, Shamantha, Shannon, Autum or savannah
Importance of Professional Development Provides knowledge on the technologies that they have access to in their classroom. Will have the knowledge of these technologies efficiently and effectively to help enhance student learning. Help teachers improve their teaching styles, lesson plans, and ways for collaboration. broaden network of teachers they can collaborate with when completing professional development outside of school
Current issues and challenges Lack of prof. devel. for technology use Timing Costs of resources Uniformity of ideas Income/Budget Hiring of experts Downloading software Technology resources, Internet connectivity, skills and knowledge in technology use are limited
Trends of Professional Development for Technology Integration in K-12 Online Communities Social Media Individualizing development plans (new teachers vs. veteran teachers)
Surveyed Eight Teachers Asking How involved are you in your school’s professional development? How much technology is available for your school or district? How does your professional development support your technology integration? What do you like in your professional development for technology integration in your school? What do you dislike in professional development for technology integration in your schools? What are your needs, concerns, and suggestions regarding your professional development for using technologies in the Classrooms What level do you teach? (Elem, middle, secondary, university) How long have you been teaching with technology?
Results Majority of teachers said: That they participate fully That there school offers little technology integration training or combines it with other professional development That there is a lack of it or lack of explaining More targeted development in the classroom Mandatory or paid All were elementary school teachers All were fairly new with the maximum amount of years teaching with technology between 3-5 years
Proposal Beginning of the year survey to assess needs of teachers using technology Creating individualized pathways for teachers to use based on their technology advancement Teachers with background in technology New to technology or less experienced teachers Divide TPD by need tool specialization breakdown pathways even further Create set dates for TPD and give advanced notice mandatory and paid Extra workshops for extended expertise essential skills teachers need if they encounter a problem hints:
Meeting Frequency One large workshop once a quarter to learn about new technology tools provide resources to use places to go when technology goes wrong meetings once a month with a team of teachers to discuss any struggles or concerns with technology teachers coming together to work with each other to find solutions to problems be an additional outlet for technology problems have a Tech base for teachers to go to if need extended help outside of workshop time and meetings immediate help for classroom problems go- teachers to get help from, numbers to call, sites to visit