Spreadsheet/Worksheet/ Excel Excel is an electronics spreadsheet application designed to replace the tedious work if using pencils, paper, and calculators. The worksheet consist of a grid of rows and columns into which you can enter numbers and texts and formulas. The worksheet in Excel is also used to perform calculations.
What is a spreadsheet? A spreadsheet is an electronic worksheet or grid that is used to organize and analyze information.
Identifying the parts of the excel screen The new worksheet is titled Book 1. The worksheet is always stored in a workbook that contains one or more worksheets. Excel has its own unique menus, screen parts, and toolbars. The mouse pointer displays as a thick plus sign when it is within the worksheet. The worksheet is divided into columns and rows. Columns if the worksheet appear vertically and are identified by letters at the top of the worksheet window. Rows appear horizontally and are identified by numbers on the left side of the worksheet window.
Navigating through a worksheet TO create a worksheet you enter information into the cell. Before you can enter data into a cell, you must first select the cell. When the cell is selected, dark appears around the cell, it is also called the active cell.
summary The excel screen has its own unique screen parts, menu, and toolbars. Theo enter data in a cell, the must be selected. You can use the mouse or the keyboard to move from one cell to another. As you enter data, excel will automatically correct some of your keyboarding errors. If the data you are entering matches characters of existing entries, Excel will propose the existing entry to save you time. When you insert or delete rows and columns all existing data is shifted up, sown, left or right. There are several options for changing the column width. You can drag a column border, use the autofill feature or specify an exact measurement. To organize a worksheet you can delete, clear, copy or move the data. To autofill command enables you to copy data from one cell to another or enter certain series of data such as months or days of the week. When you format the contents of a cell you change the appearance of the text or numbers in the cell The undo command reverses a pervious action. The redo command reverses an undo.