Progress Report: Implementation of the 2015 MHS Summit Resolutions Municipal Health Services Summit 01 February 2017
Resolution 1 SALGA in collaboration with the SAIEH to present and escalate the challenges noted in the Summit to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and to be accompanied by representatives from the MHS Management Forum. Issues to be presented will include: Community service EHPs backlog. Equitable share allocation; and Challenges of devolution The Environmental Health Lekgotla is proposed and will be dedicated to the issue of Community Services and Work Integrated Learning, while still awaiting presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health. Mr Moeti Kgware representing MUT was tasked with the role of developing guidelines for Community Services and Work Integrated Learning
Resolution 2 SALGA in partnership with SAIEH and Institutions of Higher Learning will engage with the National Department of Health and COGTA to facilitate a process of role clarification in relation to MHS. Exploring ways of including COGTA in the process
Resolution 3 SALGA in partnership with the SAIEH and Institutions of Higher Learning to embark on a costing exercise on the provision of MHS, and engage with National Treasury to fund the costing exercise The process for the procurement of the service provider to conduct the costing exercise is underway. Terms of reference were developed and service providers contacted for submission of proposals. Process to be presented during the Summit.
Resolution 4 Municipal Health Managers to ensure that they are aware of their equitable share allocation, and how much the municipality allocated for the provision of Municipal Health Services. The reports to be submitted to SALGA by November 2015 Progress report in the 2016 audit report
Resolution 5 SAIEH in partnership with Institutions of Higher Learning to assist SALGA in defining and clarifying Environmental Health Services in relation to Environmental Management. The University of Johannesburg is working on a paper / submission defining and clarifying Environmental Health Services in relation to Environmental Management
Resolution 6 SALGA to ensure that the findings of the State of Community Services for EHPs in South Africa is presented to the National Community Development Working Group. The findings were presented by Mr Moeti Kgware (MUT) to the National Community Development Working Group meeting of 8 of March 2016 at SALGA national office
Resolution 7 SALGA to engage with COGTA on monitoring the use of equitable share allocated to municipalities Financial matters escalated to the Budget Forum where COGTA is represented
Resolution 8 SALGA to circulate the draft generic by-laws for comments by Municipalities and interested persons. All comments to be sent by municipalities to SALGA within 30 days after receipt of the draft generic By-Laws. SALGA to finalise the Draft Generic By-Laws by the end of 2015 and distribute to municipalities for adoption and adapt them to suit their municipalities. The draft generic By – Laws were circulated to all members of the MHS Forum. Inputs were received and the generic By-Laws are finalised as guidelines. Municipalities can use them for reference to develop and gazette their own by-laws
Resolution 9 Municipalities to submit their best practice programmes on MHS to SALGA to show case and document in the next Summit. For 2016 received two best practice submissions on Clean Solar Energy and Mobile Health from Eden District Municipality and the will be included in the for the publication
Resolution 10 SALGA to assist Institutions of Higher Learning to undertake a systems analysis to identify systems failures impeding on the work of EHPs. The task has been undertaken by the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Mr Agenbag will be presenting. +27 (0)12 369 8000 Thank you Contact: Winnie Manganye +27 (0)12 369 8000 +27 (0)82 908 2884