TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Objective : After studying this lesson, the students can be identify of equipment for TIG welding. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Understanding : TIG welding is one types of gas shielded arc welding processes, is called Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). During the welding cycle a shield of inert gas expels the air from the welding area and prevents oxidation of the electrode, weld puddle, and surrounding heat affected zone. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Fig. 1. TIG Welding Process Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The general of TIG welding equipment are three kinds : Main equipment Health and safety equipment Assist equipment Teknologi dan Rekayasa 5
The main equipment for TIG welding consist of : Power supply TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT The main equipment for TIG welding consist of : Power supply Electrode holder (torch) Non-consumable electrode Gas regulator Shielding Gas Protective Shield Teknologi dan Rekayasa
TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Fig. 2. Schema of TIG welding Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Power supply Gas tungsten arc power supply units are AC or DC machines. The choice of an AC or DC welder depends on certain distinct weld characteristics that may be required. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Fig.3. Power Supply Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 2. Electrode Holder (Torch) Welding torches are constructed to conduct both the welding current and the inert gas to the weld zone. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Cap electrode Tungsten Nozzle Collet Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Fig. 4. Torch Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 3. Non Consumable Electrodes Basic diameters of non consumable electrodes are 1/16”, 3/12”, and 1/8”. They are either pure tungsten or alloyed tungsten. The alloyed tungsten usually have one to two percent thorium or zirconium. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Fig. 5. Tungsten electrode Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 4. Gas Regulators Gas flow is regulated by a single or dual stage pressure reducing regulator and flow meter. The flow meter is calibrated in cubic feet per hour (cfh) or liters per minute (lpm). Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Flowmeter Regulator Fig. 6. Regulator Flowmeter Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 5. Shielding Gas Shielding gas for TIG welding can be argon, helium or a mixture of argon and helium. a. Argon : Argon is used more extensively because it is less expensive than helium. Argon a better cleaning action especially in welding aluminum and magnesium with AC. Argon also permits better control of the arc in vertical and overhead welding. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT b. Helium Helium is sometimes used in welding heavy materials and metals having. c. Argon and helium A mixture of argon and helium is often used in welding metals that require a higher heat input. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 6. Protective shield A suitable helmet or handshield is required for all arc welding. An electric arc produces a brilliant light and also gives invisible ultraviolet and infrared rays which are extremely dangerous to the eyes and skin. Both the helmet and hand shield are equipped with special colored lenses that reduce the brilliancy of the light and screen out the infrared and ultraviolet rays. Teknologi dan Rekayasa 19
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Lenses come in different shades and the types used depends on the kind of welding done. In general, the recommended practice is: Shade 5 : for light spot welding Shade 6 and 7: for welding up to 30 amperes Shade 8 : for welding 30 to 75 amperes Shade 10 : for welding 75 to 200 amperes Shade 12 : for welding 200 to 400 amperes Shade 14 : for over 400 amperes Teknologi dan Rekayasa 20
THE MAIN TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT Lens Clear lens Filter lens Fig. 9. Protective Shielded Teknologi dan Rekayasa 21
HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1. Weld Clothes By wearing this clothes, welder will fill comfort and free in movement
HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2. Apron (Chest protector) Appron is used to protect welder chest from UV ray, infra red, weld fire work sprinkling and the hot of welding.
HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 3. Gloves Gloves it used to protect welder hand from electricity, the of welding and sharp material.
HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 4. Leather Shoes This shoes made of leather that there is metal in top of it, this shoes will protect welder from electricity, downfall material, hot material and sharp material.
ASSIST TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 1. Ground Clamp A very important unit of any electrical welding equipment is the ground clamp. Without proper grounding the full potential of the circuit will fail to provide the required heat for welding Teknologi dan Rekayasa
ASSIST TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 2. Smeed Tang Smeed tang is used to held the hot base metal
ASSIST TIG WELDING EQUIPMENT 3. Scratch brushes Scratch brushes is used to clean the base metal before welding
The end Thank you Teknologi dan Rekayasa