My Client Leads EOFY Concessional Contributions Caps
My Client Leads EOFY These PUSH leads have been set up to support advisers with their EOFY client servicing: Clients with less than 75% of their contribution cap Clients with between 75-100% of their contribution cap Clients with over 100% of their contribution cap
My Client Leads How To Adviser Online home page The five most recent leads delivered by My Client Leads will be displayed on the home page of MLC AdviserOnline as per the screen shot on the right. To view all available leads, click on the View all link at the bottom right.
My Client Leads How To Adviser Online This will open the My Client Leads application and you will be able to search for leads and action leads (and in the future, request leads). Click on the < Back to home link at the top right to return to the home page of MLC AdviserOnline. .
My Client Leads How To Accessing Lead details Select a hyperlink under the Reason for action column and click to open the Lead details where you’ll find: contact details of the lead for a particular client explanation of the lead, why this client has been selected discussion points client information such as account number, age, income, etc responses for the lead lead history