On-Demand Writing
What is an On-Demand? The On-Demand Test is a timed writing test where students must demonstrate an understanding of Audience , Purpose, and Task. There are two prompts: one 40-minute direct prompt and one 90-minute passage driven prompt.
PAT each prompt P = Purpose: The reason you’re writing: to persuade, to inform, to narrate an event A = Audience: The person (people) you’re pretending to write to. T = Task: The type of writing you are to construct: letter, editorial, or speech.
Purpose (Why?) Look for one of these in the writing task: Persuade: Consider the needs/feelings of the audience as you solve problems and/or convince them. Use main ideas and supporting details. Narrate an event. Share what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, touched, said, thought, did…to make a point. Inform an audience about a situation, problem, or concern. You will bring awareness to a less informed audience.
Audience (Who?) Look in the writing task for the audience. It might be an individual or a group. You write to the audience for reasons stated in the prompt. Consider what the audience needs to know, wants to know, and already knows. Imagine what questions they will have for you. Answer them in your writing.
Task: What kind of writing? Look in the writing task for the task: letter, editorial, speech, proposal, email, essay, etc Create the type of writing specified by the task. Letters, speeches, and editorials have certain characteristics you must follow.
PAT Analysis of the ON-DEMAND prompt
Why do we analyze the prompt? to make the better choice between the prompts to identify the purpose, audience, and task to be successful in writing an on-demand
Let’s try a few… PAT the following:
Prompt 1- Ms. Thomas
Prompt 2- you help me
Prompt 3- In pairs
Prompt 4- On your own
What is the purpose of an On-Demand? persuade inform narrate/entertain
Writing to Inform Provide information not previously known by the audience. Indicators: “Help readers understand that…” “Share your knowledge about…” “Provide information that will…”
Writing to Persuade Convince audience to see the problem from your perspective. Indicators: “Convince readers to…” “Write to help others accept your opinion” “Urge readers to…”
Writing to Narrate/Entertain Writing to share personal experiences. Indicators: “Tell me about a time…” “Refer to your own experience…” “From your own experience, relate an incident that…”
What are some of the different formats of an On-Demand? speech letter editorial
Tasks All On-Demand Writing is transactive (Real World) Possible Formats are: editorial, article, essay, email, propsal, presentation, speech or letter Your final copy should “look” like the format requested.
Editorial Purpose: to persuade, to inform Title Two columns No subheadings
Speech Purpose: to persuade, inform or entertain Essay format Must address audience Introduce yourself
Letter Purpose: to persuade, to inform Block Format No indentions Double space between paragraphs Proper Headings (date, names, addresses, closing, signature) Colons after greeting
Sample Letter
How do I start writing my On-Demand?
Pre-write When constructing your On-Demand, consider any of the pre-write techniques: Make a hash tag Make an outline Make a web Create a Venn Diagram Make a list
Hash tag your way to organization Pre-Writing
Hash tag your PEEL paragraphs write your thesis here: P- point Supporting ideas E- Evidence and E- explanations Connect to your thesis L- link Main idea (Topic Sentence) (reasons) and examples (evidence) Same pattern
Organize your ideas Think about your most important points Use the reason/ example format/ opposing viewpoint Don’t forget your warrants Think before writing. Sort out your ideas.
Lead/Introduction Get reader’s attention Ask a rhetorical question Give an anecdote Use a quote Use statistics Concentrate on the focus of your work in the lead Make sure you state the thesis
Drafting the Body Follow your prewriting Revise as you go Revise again when you think you’re finished For persuading and responding, keep telling them why and how Remember: give examples for each reason Answer questions your audience might have Connect your ideas with transitions
Drafting the Closing Make the piece feel finished Give the reader something to think about You can tie back to something to think about You can tie back to something you said in the title or lead Be brief
Edit your Correctness: Check the following: Capitalization Usage (we were/ not we was) Punctuation Spelling Complete sentences Repetition
FINAL COPY Use your best handwriting Make it LOOK like a letter, speech, or editorial Indent the paragraphs Be correct and neat