Name Where from Discovered Christopher Columbus Norway Journeys to Asia and China Vasco de Gama England Circumnavigation of the world Roald Amundsen Portugal Travelled to India Marco Polo Italy Route from Portugal to India James Cook Venice Explored Africa David Livingstone New Zealand and Australia Afanasy Nikitin North America Sir Francis Drake Russia South Pole
Journeys to Asia and China Name Where from Discovered Norway Journeys to Asia and China Vasco de Gama England Circumnavigation of the world Roald Amundsen Portugal Travelled to India Marco Polo Route from Portugal to India James Cook Venice Explored Africa David Livingstone New Zealand and Australia Afanasy Nikitin Sir Francis Drake Russia South Pole Christopher Columbus Italy North America
Journeys to Asia and China Name Where from Discovered Norway Journeys to Asia and China Vasco de Gama England Circumnavigation of the world Roald Amundsen Portugal Marco Polo Route from Portugal to India James Cook Venice Explored Africa David Livingstone New Zealand and Australia Sir Francis Drake South Pole Travelled to India Afanasy Nikitin Russia
Journeys to Asia and China Name Where from Discovered Norway Journeys to Asia and China Vasco de Gama England Circumnavigation of the world Roald Amundsen Portugal Marco Polo Route from Portugal to India Venice Explored Africa David Livingstone Sir Francis Drake South Pole James Cook New Zealand and Australia England
Journeys to Asia and China Name Where from Discovered Norway Journeys to Asia and China England Circumnavigation of the world Roald Amundsen Marco Polo Venice Explored Africa David Livingstone Sir Francis Drake South Pole Vasco de Gama Portugal Route from Portugal to India
Journeys to Asia and China Name Where from Discovered Norway Journeys to Asia and China England Roald Amundsen Marco Polo Venice Explored Africa David Livingstone South Pole Circumnavigation of the world England Sir Francis Drake
Name Where from Discovered Norway England Roald Amundsen Explored Africa David Livingstone South Pole Journeys to Asia and China Marco Polo Venice
Name Where from Discovered England Explored Africa David Livingstone Norway Roald Amundsen South Pole