Organizational Development A group of people coming together for a shared end (
Change Development: the process of growing (
Organizational Development Defined: the process of a group growing together toward a shared end (
Change Planned Change? A New ERP(computer system): Our opportunity to grow My opportunity to grow
Organizational Development KNOWLEDGE BASE: Choosing A Theoretical Framework - Lewin Kotter Appreciative Inquiry
Organizational Development Theoretical Framework – Lewin Three Stages of Change Unfreezing Forming Refreezing Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science. New York: Harper & Row
Organizational Development Theoretical Framework - Kotter 8 Steps for Leading Change 1. Urgency 2. Guiding team 3. Vision/Implementation Strategies 4. Communication
Organizational Development Theoretical Framework - Kotter Steps for Leading Change, cont’d 5. Empowerment 6. Celebrating Short Term Wins 7. Never Letting Up 8. Anchoring the change Kotter, J. (2008) A sense of urgency. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press
Organizational Development Theoretical Framework: Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Discover Dream Design Destiny Boyd, N. & Bright, D. (2007). Appreciative inquiry as a mode of action research for community psychology. Journal of Community Psychology (35)8, 1019-1036.
Organizational Development Theoretical Frameworks for Change: Interconnectedness Consists of stages/steps (Lewin-3;Kotter-8; AI-4) Lewin & Kotter – change initiative occurs in response to organizational need Appreciative Inquiry – strengths based; past organizational success provides platform for projected success of change initiative
Organizational Development KNOWLEDGE BASE/Evidence: Annotated Bibliography Literature Review (Chapter 2)
Organizational Development Leading the Change – My Experience: Kotter’s 8 Steps 1. Creating a sense of urgency 15 year old now web based computer mainframe crashing Students unable to register President’s directive to replace
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 2. Developing a guiding team a. Core Team (President’s Council) b. Coordinating Team c. Change Management Team
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 3. Establishing a clear vision/implementation strategies Web based Accounting/Payroll system Web based Employee Self Service Web based Student System
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 4. Communication Creation of internal communication plan Stages of implementation Workforce listening/response to concerns Opportunities for required workforce learning
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 5.Empowerment Supervisor support for extended work schedules Additional funds for “backfill” Performance Review Expectations
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 6. Celebrating Short Term Wins Individual - STARS Departmental Milestones – Successful Module Implementations Institutional – Successful Unit Implementation
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 7.Never Letting Up President’s Directive – On Time; On Budget ; Within Specifications Weekly Review/Update of “Dashboards” Blended Model – Kotter/Appreciative Inquiry – Building on Strengths to Create Positive Energy
Change Kotter’s 8 Steps, cont’d. 8. Anchoring the Change Strategic Long Range Plan Enrollment Goals/Budget New Phases incorporated into MBO’s
Organizational Development Competency – Knowledge Base cont’d Reflection Paper Leadership & Learning Group Evidence: Artifacts
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The process of a group growing together toward a shared end(
THANK YOU! Cheryl Harris Kisunzu