Will apple juice affect he growth of corn seeds? F.G.F.A Avery, Hailey, Montana, Skylar. Blue 11-3-11
Will apple juice affect the growth of corn seeds? If we put the apple juice on corn seeds we don’t think it will grow as good as regular water because it has sugar, salt, and things in it. Water is natural and has no additives in it like sugars. The growth depends on the apple juice because with apple juice there is sugar in it and it might affect the growth. gfss
Will apple juice affect the growth of corn seeds? The conditions our team kept constant were checking the plants every other day and checking the growth. Our control was water, we needed it because we had to compare it to the apple juice to see how tall the plants would grow.
Materials & Methods Our materials were corn seeds, apple juice, water, paper towels, and Ziploc bags. The growth chamber for the plants watered with apple juice were molded. The growth chamber for the plants watered with water grew a lot. Step-by-step we
Seeds Data Averages Dates Average plant grow for Apple Juice seeds in (cm) Average plant grow for water seeds in (cm) 10-14 .5 1.2 10-20 3.1 7.1 10-25 4.7 12
Results and Conclusions I think that our results turned out how we predicted. The apple juice affected the corn seeds and caused them not to grow as fast as the water chamber. The water chamber with the corn seeds grew at a normal rate. Questions: What caused the mold to grow in the chamber that was watered with apple juice? Does sugar cause mold to grow? Also Thank you to your mentor for helping us with our project.