Analogy: “It‘s just the tip of the iceberg.“ What we read and hear about BREXIT – there is SO MUCH more to the issue the TIP of the iceberg Analogy: “It‘s just the tip of the iceberg.“ BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
The Referendum Campaign SEE ALSO: Why did the British government give the people a referendum? Cameron was under electoral pressure from UKIP (the UK Independence Party) UKIP WON most seats in the 2014 election for the European parliament thanks to UK electoral voting system, UKIP had no seats in parliament, but was threatening a breakthrough Cameron promised a referendum to help him win the 2010 general election he thereby wanted to spike UKIP’s guns, and was TOTALLY CONVINCED that REMAIN would win (or he would never have conceded a referendum) the full force of the Establishment was marshalled against UKIP and LEAVE, which was routinely described as “racist” and “xenophobic” BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
The Referendum Campaign SEE ALSO: BEFORE campaign for vote on June 24 launched April 15 over 2 months of intensive campaigning on streets and in media “REMAIN” group launched “Project Fear” – endless often absurd predictions about negative effects of BREXIT they said economy would go into crisis, the GBP and stockmarket collapse, our external trade would dry up, house prices would fall, students would no longer be able to study abroad and so on and on personal insults routinely showered the media: LEAVERS were called “racist”, “xenophobic”, “little Englanders”, “anti-European” and so on BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
The UK is, always HAS been and always WILL be “in Europe”. Throughout the campaign, REMAINERS constantly accused LEAVERS of wanting to “leave Europe” – which is of course utter nonsense. The UK is, always HAS been and always WILL be “in Europe”. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
Despite accusations, the LEAVE campaign had NOTHING TO DO with being “anti-Europe”. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
THE FEDERALIST AGENDA – Britain‘s point of View BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
ARROGANCE, PROPAGANDA & LIES BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
ARROGANCE, PROPAGANDA & LIES BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
THE FEDERALIST AGENDA Not ONE SINGLE EUROPEAN CITIZEN has EVER, ANYWHERE, at ANY T(IME voted for the EU federalist project so proudly proclaimed by Barroso. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
The BREXIT attitude can be summed up thus: The British do not want to be a mere region of a European federal state ruled from Brussels, dominated by Germany and with French-style bureaucracy. They want to retain their sovereignty. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
TOTAL ELECTORATE & %TURNOUT 46,500,001 72% REJECTED 25,359 The Referendum Campaign THE RESULT VOTES % REMAIN 16,141,241 48.1% LEAVE 17,410,742 51.9% TOTAL ELECTORATE & %TURNOUT 46,500,001 72% REJECTED 25,359 This was the largest winning vote ever recorded in any British election. Interestingly, though this was perhaps the single most imporant vote in British history, nearly 30% of eligible voters DID NOT VOTE. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
NONE OF THE “PROJECT FEAR” PREDICTIONS PROVED ACCURATE The Referendum Campaign AFTER NONE OF THE “PROJECT FEAR” PREDICTIONS PROVED ACCURATE The GBP fell somewhat initially, but recovered within a month or so. LEAVERS were told that: - they hadn‘t understood what they were voting for - they didn‘t know they were voting to leave “the single market” - they were mostly old, uneducated white men - they had “destroyed our future” RESULT? The Establishment is even more despised by the plebs than before. The whole episode has reinforced deep divisions within British society. It revealed many people‘s total inability to develop opinions based on evidence and logic. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
The Referendum Campaign BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
Immediately after the result, REMAINERS began to MOAN about the result Immediately after the result, REMAINERS began to MOAN about the result. This led to them being named “REMOANERS”, or my preferred term “REMOANIACS”. Lots of young people were especially cross, but many did not vote ...... BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
The left and many students accused old people of destroying their future. Unlike in Asia, older people are not respected for their experience and the wisdom derived therefrom. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
We got tired of being told that old people had “destroyed the future”. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
We got tired of being told that old people had “destroyed the future”. BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?
BREXIT – Why did the British vote to leave the EU?