Escribe en español. salad cheese apple vegetable soup orange juice fruit salad ham and cheese sandwich apple juice
Using a Noun to Modify Another Noun In English, we often use one noun to describe another: vegetable soup strawberry yogurt However, in English, the noun being described comes second.
You don’t use a definite article (el/la) in front of the second noun. In Spanish, when describing a noun with a noun, the noun being described comes first [what you’re talking about], next comes the word de, and then the describing noun. sopa de verduras yogur de fresa You don’t use a definite article (el/la) in front of the second noun.
The form of the second noun does not change even if the first noun is plural. el sándwich de jamón y queso los sándwiches de jamon y queso
¡A practicar! How would you say…? tomato soup (tomato = tomate) pineapple soda (pineapple = piña) turkey juice bacon yogurt