District Foundation Chairman Our Rotary Foundation Paul Beedham District Foundation Chairman
Standard Club Presentation See Downloads on http://foundation.rotary1060.org.uk
External Views How do you rate Our Rotary Foundation? CNBC rated the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International number 5 in its top 10 charities. Charities were chosen for changing the world while maintaining excellent financial standards. Rotary’s tremendous work in eradicating polio was highlighted. Charity Navigator has given the Rotary Foundation a top 4 star rating for 9 consecutive years. How do you rate Our Rotary Foundation?
Questions? ??
Resources RI website (www.rotary.org/en/grants) RotarianActionGroupForPeace.org New Grant Model e-learning modules LinkedIn forums District Rotary Foundation Committee RIBI committee District Foundation website (foundation.rotary1060.org.uk) There are many reference materials to assist clubs and districts learn about Future Vision. Here are some helpful places to turn for information, assistance and guidance. All of the most current and up to date Future Vision materials are available on the RI website at www.rotary.org/futurevision. Included in these resources are a number of e-learning modules that provide the opportunity for independent learning in an engaging format. Available to all Rotarians, is the monthly Future Vision Pilot News e-newsletter. You can sign up on the RI website to receive this newsletter. You can also turn to your Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator for information and guidance related to Future Vision. And in RIBI we have our own RIBI Foundation committee, the assistants to the RRFCs, and I am on that committee, and happy to help any time.
Important Points Clubs must be ‘qualified’ At least one member attended ‘training’ or Club had this presentation within the last year Memo of Understanding signed District Grant Initial input needed in July Funds may be available later on, so worth applying throughout year
Where is the Foundation benefit? Benefit from the use of Our Rotary Foundation 2016-17 year to 21st April 2017 Item Cash DDF World Fund Gates Total Polio Donation 2016-17 0.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 24,000.00 36,000.00 Polio Donation 2013-14 9,077.00 4,538.50 27,231.00 40,846.50 DG 2016-17 29,042.44 18,965.50 48,007.94 GG GLP 10,902.15 10,383.00 15,561.52 36,846.67 GG Warwick 12,329.28 12,742.46 18,598.87 43,670.61 GG Gaya Eye Hospital 2,666.00 3,932.35 9,264.35 Totals 54,939.87 61,833.96 46,631.24 51,231.00 214,636.07 USD Exchange Rate 1.25 £ Totals 43,951.90 49,467.17 37,304.99 40,984.80 171,708.86 Donations (2013-14) $76,824.00 £61,459.20 Original DDF (2016-17) $38,412.00 £30,729.60 Club Project Contributions $43,951.90 £35,161.52 Foundation Boost $86,772.16 £69,417.73 Gates Boost $40,984.80 £32,787.84 Total increase over donations $50,932.96 £40,746.37
Changes for 2017-18 – Online Banking Time and cost saving over writing cheques, countersigning them and posting them out to Clubs Cheques will still be available, but direct payments preferred Will need bank account details for Club (being added to forms)
Changes for 2017-18 – District Grants Previously, first funds dispersed in December Will be brought forward considerably 2016-17 Grant is being closed off now 2017-18 Grant will be applied for as soon as we have sufficient applications to cover 80% of the maximum – towards the end of July With chasing, funds could be available by the end of August
Changes for 2017-18 – Global Grants DDF carry over is being drained fast New DDF is less for 2017-18 ($36,084) 50% for District Grant 20% for Polio (2.5x boost available) Policy for matching with DDF when 1060 Clubs contribute to another District’s Global Grant will drop from 100% to 50%
Clarification – Repeat Grants Repeat Grants are not allowed under the Foundation Terms and Conditions (for Global or District Grants) A repeat project with new beneficiaries is considered to be a new unique Grant i.e. GLP
Advice on District Grants Your original project concept may be no longer viable after receiving approval and funding Look into alternatives with a similar budget and set of objectives Submit an updated application Try to do this as soon as possible as changes may be required to the overall ‘block grant’
Polio Update Crocus Corms can be ordered again with a 31st July deadline (see RIBI newsletter) Current status of Polio Eradication
Key Dates for 2017-18 Purple4Polio – Crocus Corm order deadline is 31st July 2017 Link Weekend – 23rd September 2017 (possible hosting 22nd-24th September) Initial District Grant proposal deadline – 17th July 2017 Updates via Newsletters and on http://foundation.rotary1060.org.uk