Scope and Form of Census Data Dissemination in the Maldives Hudha Haleem Department of National Planning / Statistics Division
Presentation Outline Country profile Scope of Data Dissemination in Maldives Determination the scope of Census data dissemination The way Census Data is Disseminated in Maldives Mediums that are utilized for data dissemination
Country Profile Maldives is a low-lying coral islands scattered vertically across the equator along the Indian Ocean archipelago. There is an estimate of 1192 islands separated into a series of 26 geographic atolls. For easy administration these islands are grouped into 20 atolls. 193 are physical inhabited and around 999 are uninhabited. These islands grouped in ring-shape clusters stretch over an area of 90,000 sqkms of which about only 1% is land.
Determination of Scope When the questionnaire of the Census is developed, it is developed with an understand how the data collected in the census are utilized and disseminated. In the Maldives, the planners, policy makers and other users use the census data in three levels (Republic, Atoll & Island). Hence the data and information collected in the Census are disseminated at following levels; Republic Level Atoll Level (aggregate level of islands) Island Level (smallest geographic level)
Determination of Scope Census Preliminary results are published after 14 days of Census. The Republic Level data and Atoll Level data are disseminated within 10 months of Census. The Island Level Data are disseminated after 1 year. Analytical Report is circulated after 22 months of Census.
Methods of Data Dissemination A number of methods are used in census data dissemination. They are; Republic and Atoll Level data and information are included in the census book which is published. The census database is available in CD The island level data is available from cd and website (
Methods of Data Dissemination In 2006 census, additional measures were taken to disseminate data in a user friendly manner such as: Dissemination workshops Wall charts Leaflets Graphical hand books Media related presentations were done Atoll profiles were shown through TV. Customized data is also provided to users and researchers upon there request
Methods of Data Dissemination Several countries across the world have adopted DevInfo technology and customized it to their requirements. Maldives began the work last year and is finally close to launch of its customization – called MaldivInfo with its own look, branding and feel. over the last 1 year DNP and UNICEF have been working very closely in developing MaldivInfo as a national data dissemination tool. The past four census databases have also been revived Training workshops have been conducted to line ministries and stakeholders.
Maldives human development database MaldivInfo provides two user interfaces – the classic user interface and the enhanced user interface. Classic View
Some of the challenges on disseminating the data. Have to focus on how to make data users to use the data in the wright way. Internet facility is not easy to use in the rural area therefore it makes challenging to disseminate through website. Lack of technical trained people.
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