GHANA DATA Tomas Morley
Data Economic growth Centre (EGC) Yale Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana Study design? Not much to go on, but a good relationship with the group at EGC ( very friendly)
Sample # of households 5009 # of producing households 2589 # of plots 4964 # of maize farmers 1386 # of maize plots 1565
Data good Crop management variables Fallow Wetness Soil depth Soil colour Soil type Hours for drainage Water Tractor Seeds (names of seed (MoFA, NGO, GM etc etc)
Data good 2 More specific on some questions such as labour and crop loss (men, children, women/ permanent/family) More precise about whether a crop on a particular plot had fertilizer. I.e. fertilizer use is at the crop level not the plot level (Tanzania) Specific on household assets Crop loss Where fertilizer came from Covers two seasons, minor and major season Transport data
Data good 3 Crop storage How it was stored Was it treated by chemicals? What percent of crop was lost in storage? Was it lost to monkeys?
Percentage of farmers growing maize by district
Percentage of farmers using Inorganic fertilizer
Percentage of plots using Inorganic fertilizer
Number of crops grown per plot per district on average
National and regional averages Maize output per plot % plots with fert % households with fert National 827.8238 (1565) 28.33 (2492) 39.8 (1294) Brong Ahafo 910.4770 (149) 5.36 (317) 9.30 (172) Northern 1071.1850 (414) 30.91 (634) 61.10 (239) Ashanti 1086.0306 (220) 20.24 (410) 23.21 (224) Central 550.6690 (97) 19.39 (98) 26.56 (64) Eastern 558.5296 (235) 36.15 (343) 43.98 (191) Greater Accr 329.6358 (29) 65.63 (32) 73.91 (23) Upper East 821.5830 (73) 51.76 (199) 73.58 (106 Upper West 795.2742 (116) 14.71 (102) 25.93 (54) Volta 552.8887 (190) 21.57 (102) 26.32 (76) Western 618.5933 (42) 41.57 (255) 48.97 (145)
Nkoranza region
Crop management: tractors and child labour Seeds
Crop management: seeds
Crop management: seeds
Crop management: seeds
Data bad Areas - Piling effect!!
Data bad 2 Conversions – pain in the neck Certainly not GPS! Don’t know how much of the plot was what crop Conversions – pain in the neck Don’t know what kind of fertilizer (but question was asked) GPS missing (soon to be sorted) – district problem, blank map spaces Intercropping? No seed application rate