IAEA Safety Standards Dariusz Mroz Workshop Scientific Secretary Regulatory Infrastructure for Safety Specialist Control of Radiation Sources Unit Regulatory Infrastructure and Transport Safety Section Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety
Contents IAEA role and functions International safety standards Services to countries Conclusions
IAEA Statute Under Article III.A.6 of its Statute, the IAEA is authorized: “To establish or adopt, in consultation and, where appropriate, in collaboration with the competent organs of the United Nations and with the specialized agencies concerned, standards of safety for protection of health and minimization of danger to life and property… and to provide for the application of these standards …” 1958: the first IAEA Safety Standard Shortly after its inception in 1957, the Secretariat began developing and setting safety Standards. In 1958, the Agency published its first safety standard, Safety Series No. 1, Safe Handling of Radioisotopes (STI/PUB/1). Over the years, some 200 publications were issued in the Safety Series.
International infrastructure for safety Conventions Codes of Conduct International Legal Instruments IAEA safety standards & security guidance IAEA tools, safety reviews and other services Global Knowledge Network The need to ensure strong national infrastructures that includes inter alia legal and regulatory framework, regulatory body empowered to regulated, inspect and enforce national legislation and regulations; adequate safety and security levels of the operators and licensees; sufficient number of well educated and trained personnel together with institutional and organization for capacity building; facilities and services that are beyond the capabilities of the legal persons who are authorized to conduct activities and responsible for facilities; the research and industrial capability. The widespread subscription to legally binding and non-binding international instruments such as the Conventions and the Codes of Conduct; A setting up and use of comprehensive suite of nuclear safety standards and security guidance that embodies good practices as a reference point to the high level of safety and security required for all nuclear facilities and activities; A suite of international safety and security peer reviews and advisory services, based on the safety standards, security guidance and international instruments; Self sustaining safety networks of expert knowledge and experience connecting these four elements are essential to continuous safety and security improvement and mutual learning. National Nuclear Safety & Security Infrastructure Regulation & enforcement Safe Operation Research, Education & Training
IAEA safety functions IAEA Safety Functions (Article III.A.6) “To establish or adopt… [in consultation …] standards of safety for protection of health & minimization of danger to life and property” Facilitate and service international conventions and other undertakings “…and to provide for the application of these standards…”
Standards development history Bottom-up approach Experience collection
Standards development perception …
Standards development mechanism Outline / work plan (prepared by the Secretariat) Review by the committees and Commission on Safety Standards Drafting or revising of safety standard by the Secretariat and consultants DRAFT Member States Draft Review by the safety standards committee(s) Comments FINAL DRAFT Endorsement by Commission on Safety Standards Establishment by the IAEA’s Director General or BoG Publication
Standards Commission and Committees on Safety Standards (CSS) Nuclear Safety Standards Committee (NUSSC) Radiation Safety Standards Committee (RASSC) Waste Safety Standards Committee (WASSC) Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC) Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee (EPReSC)
Safety standards mandate Not legally binding - may be adopted by Member States Binding on IAEA in its own operations Binding on IAEA-assisted operations Member States receiving IAEA assistance shall apply IAEA Safety Standards
Standards developing paradigm 103 The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection The revised BSS will be based on: the scientific evidence analysed by UNSCEAR, the recommendations of ICRP, and the Fundamental Safety Principles. The new Safety Requirements will include all the essential prescriptive criteria for radiation safety that underpin publications in the Safety Standards Series, such as: requirements defining responsibilities for safety; measures for protection of workers, patients and the public; numerical values of dose limits, action levels, exemption levels, etc. These basic requirements apply across the spectrum of circumstances of exposure to radiation, including nuclear power generation, industrial applications of radiation technology, radioactive waste disposal, and transport of radioactive material. Effects of radiation Recommendations for protection 11
Hierarchy of safety standards Safety Fundamentals Safety Requirements Safety Guides
Safety standards categories Fundamental safety objective and principles for protecting people and environment Requirements to be met to ensure protection of people and environment –’shall’ Safety Guides Recommendations on how to meet the requirements - ’should’ Les 10 principles Principe 1 : Responsabilité en matière de sûreté Principe 2 : Rôle du gouvernement Principe 3 : Capacité de direction et de gestion pour la sûreté Principe 4 : Justification des installations et activités Principe 5 : Optimisation de la protection Principe 6 : Limitation des risques pour les personnes Principe 7 : Protection des générations actuelle et futures (et de l’environnement) Principe 8 : Prévention des accidents (basée sur la défense en profondeur) Principe 9 : Préparation et conduite des interventions d’urgence Principe 10 : Actions protectrices visant à réduire les risques radiologiques existants ou non réglementés
Supporting publications
Value of standards Essential regulatory tool for principal users IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS A global reference Vehicle for vision and strategies Essential regulatory tool for principal users such as national authorities world-wide Basis to the develop a consistent regulatory framework globaly
Structure on web The set of Safety Requirements should be stabilized with General Safety Requirements in seven parts complemented by six specific Safety Requirements. The Safety Requirements will contain overarching requirements, which will help provide stability in regulatory approaches, and additional requirements on associated conditions and explanations of the concepts in the Safety Requirements. The format and style of the safety standards should be user friendly The Safety Requirements should be short to encourage their reading and use in Member States Concepts should be explained in the Safety Requirements so as to facilitate their interpretation for establishing national regulatory requirements Each overarching requirement should be allocated a number in sequence Associated conditions are referenced through the normal paragraph numbering system Safety standards should also highlight any interface with security measures and include reference to the related security guidance in the Nuclear Security Series. New Safety Guides The need for additional topics to be addressed in Safety Guides should be justified by a gap identification. In most cases, it will be possible to address the additional need by expanding the scope of an existing guide at its next revision or through the production of addendum pages. Once it is confirmed that there is a gap to be filled, a proposal for the establishment of a new Safety Guide in the whole collection, together with a Document Preparation Profile (DPP) will be considered only if there is a justification for an urgent need. The prioritization of proposals for new safety guides or the revision of existing safety guides should be consistent with the main topics identified as priorities by the CSS at the beginning of each term. Optimizing the number of Safety Guides will entail: -Limiting the number of Safety Guides in the thematic areas to those of a generic nature; -Developing Safety Guides in facility specific areas that cover the whole lifetime of the facility (site evaluation, design, commissioning, operation and decommissioning); -Identifying among the facility specific guides those that may be applicable to several types of facilities so as to avoid the establishment of guides addressing the same topical issue for different types of facilities/activities; -Including, wherever possible, additional topics as part of the revision of existing Safety Guides, rather than by developing new Safety Guides.
Operating organizations Users of standards Regulatory bodies and other relevant national authorities. Also individuals, co-sponsoring organizations, designers, manufacturers, vendors, operators and other users of radiation techniques Regulatory bodies Operating organizations State officials, Governments Health sector IAEA Safety Standards Manufacturers Vendors TSOs Designers User friendliness The structure of safety standards should be such that the users may easily identify among the whole collection of safety standards those that are particularly applicable to the specific facility or activity they are dealing with. The format and style of the safety standards, particularly the Safety Requirements, should facilitate their use for the establishment of the regulatory framework in Member States. The structure and layout of the Safety Standards Series publications should be uniform. The level of safety reflected in a Safety Standards Series publication at the time of its issue is expected to remain adequate until its future revision. Terminology should be harmonized across the Series, especially bearing in mind further translation.
Harmonized terminology Drafters of safety and security related IAEA publications — particularly safety standards — should, as far as possible, use terms as recommended by the Safety Glossary. Unless otherwise justified and accepted through the review process, there should be no individual glossary in individual publications. Code of Conduct and IAEA Safety Glossary = consistent definitions
Code of conduct Non-legally binding Political support by over 130 MS Based on IAEA standards Recommendations to States on: Legislation Regulations Regulatory body Import/export controls
Fundamental Safety Principles SF-1 Contains 10 fundamental principles for protection against radiation exposure Protective Actions to Reduce Existing Or Unregulated Radiation Risks Emergency Preparedness and Response Prevention of Accidents Responsibility for Safety Role of Government Leadership and Management Justification of Facilities and Activities Optimization of Protection Limitation of Risks to Individuals Protection of Present and Future Generations
need for nuclear law and regulations establishing of a regulatory body GSR Part 1 - Purpose Essential requirements for the governmental, legal and regulatory framework for safety: need for nuclear law and regulations establishing of a regulatory body actions to ensure the effective regulatory control of facilities and activities 36 requirements in 4 chapters: Background, objective, scope, structure Responsibilities of the Government Global safety regime Responsibilities of the Regulatory Body
GSR Part 3 (Basic Safety Standards) Three Exposure Situations Planned exposure situation Existing exposure situation Emergency exposure situation Three Categories of Exposure Occupational exposure Medical exposure Public exposure
GSR Part 3 – content
General versus specific safety standards
Specific safety guides RS-G-1.10, Safety of Radiation Generators and Sealed Radioactive Sources SSG-8: Radiation Safety of Gamma, Electron and X Ray Irradiation Facilities, SSG-11: Radiation Safety in Industrial Radiography
Technical documents (TECDOCS)
IAEA safety functions IAEA Safety Functions (Article III.A.6) “To establish or adopt… [in consultation …] standards of safety for protection of health & minimization of danger to life and property” “…and to provide for the application of these standards…” Facilitate and service international conventions and other undertakings
Provisions for the standards application International Mechanisms for Promoting Capacity Building Rendering SAFETY SERVICES Providing TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Fostering INFORMATION EXCHANGE Promoting EDUCATION & TRAINING Promoting Networking, KM and R&D
Services / tools / undertakings Tools and activities to implemet the Standards Review and Advisory Services (missions) Self Assessment Methodology and Tool (SARIS) Regulatory Authority Information System (RAIS) Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS) Training material and courses
Conclusions Effective regulatory infrastructure, including nuclear law and regulations, is key for effective control of radiation sources IAEA offers abundance of services and tools promote the Safety Standards and to assist their implementation IAEA implements multiple projects to facilitate application of Safety Standards Review and advisory missions assist national compliance with IAEA Safety Standards
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