Isaac newton By: Manuel Limones
Where was Isaac newton born Isaac newton was born in Woolsthorpe, England
When was Isaac Newton born Isaac newton was born January 4, 1643
What did Isaac newton discover Isaac newton discovered gravity in 1666 and the laws of motion in 1686
How did Isaac newton discover gravity Isaac Newton discovered Gravity when he saw a falling apple
What was happening at this time 1643-Civil War in England began between Royalists & Parliament 1680-In New Mexico, Pope leads rebellion against Spaniards 1700-great northern war begns 1710-Battle of Villa Viciosa 1720-treaty was signed by Sweden and prussia 1727-new England has a severe earthquake
Why is Isaac newton important to the world of math He is important because he discovered the three laws of motion, gravity, calculus, the reflecting telescope and many more things
When did he die Isaac newton died on March 31, 1727