Test on Political Systems
Selected Political Systems Multiple Choice Questions
1.What is the reason for having a government ? A.To organise & secure society. B.To make laws. C.To pay taxes to & receive benefits from. D.To provide protection from invasions and wars.
2. What must people give up in order to have a balanced and orderly society? A. Money B. Children C. Freedom D. Time
3. Which of these ideologies emphasizes economic freedom? A. Marxism B. Community C. Liberty D. Capitalism
4.Which of the following is an example of a freedom? A. The right to express yourself at any time about anything. B. The right of expression within limits set by law. C. The right to obey only those laws you think are just. D. The right to be equal to anyone.
5.Social welfare payments are an example of governments working for A. freedom. B. justice. C. equality. D. morality.
6.What is the purpose of the executive branch of government? A. To make laws. B. To discover public opinion on current issues. C. To interpret the law. D. To carry out the law.
7.Three of these political ideologies are alive and well in Canada, and one is not. Mark the odd item. A. Socialism. B. Fascism. C. Conservatism. D. Liberalism.
8.Which of these political ideologies is labelled right wing? A. Socialism. B. Liberalism. C. Communism. D. Conservatism.
9.Which one of the following ideas could be labelled democratic? A. Universal suffrage. B. A property qualification for the franchise. C. Monarchy. D. Dictatorship.
10.Which one of the following is an example of a totalitarian government? A. One-party government, such as in Nazi Germany. B. Republican government, such as in the United States. C. Constitutional monarchy, such as in Britain. D. Federal government, such as in Canada.
11.Which type of ownership is most common in Canadian business? A. Public ownership. B. Private ownership. C. Employee ownership. D. Customer ownership.
12.Which of the following statements summarises Karl Marx's ideology concerning the ownership of business? A. Private ownership is most efficient. B. Family businesses are good businesses. C. The workers should be their own bosses. D. All business should be owned co-operatively.
13. Which of the following would NOT be considered democratic? A. Conservatism. B. Communism. C. Socialism. D. Liberalism.
14.How do liberals believe that economic inequality can be diminished? A. Unrestricted private enterprise. B. Charitable organisations distributing food, & clothing. C. Government intervention in the economy. D. Paying everyone the same wages.
15.Which of the following actions would most likely be taken by a conservative government? A. Minimum wage law. B. Tax relief for new industries. C. Universal medical care. D. Increased family allowances.
16.Which economist believed in the “invisible hand”? A. Karl Marx. B. John maynard Keynes. C. Adam Smith. D. Frederick Engels.
17.Which one of the following is high on the list of goals for socialist parties? A. Wealth creation. B. Opportunities for business to make money. C. Government help for small business. D. Economic equality.
18.Of these groupings of Canadian political parties, which two are closest in ideology? A. New Democrats and Liberals. B. New Democrats and Conservatives. C. Bloc Quebecois and Conservatives. D. Conservatives and Liberals.
19.Why did Marx and Engels think that social change would only happen after a violent revolution? A. Workers were too badly treated to be content with gradual change. B. Democracy had not given the workers equality. C. Exploitation of workers is a capital offence. D. Factory owners would not give up power voluntarily.
20.What was Robert Owen’s view of government? A. Traditions should be kept. B. Military force is essential. C. Government is not really needed. D. Communities should control all production.
21.Where does individual freedom rank in fascist nations? A. Ahead of all political goals. B. After the needs of the nation. C. Freedom of speech is allowed, except for libel and pornography. D. Freedom is for business only.
22.Which economist believed in deficit financing and the government control of money supply? A. Robert Owen. B. Adam Smith. C. Karl Marx. D. John Maynard Keynes.
23.Which of these ideologies is closest to the Canadian idea of government? A. Democracy. B. Fascism. C. Communism. D. Dictatorship.
24.Three of these Canadian institutions are associated with socialist ideology and one is not. Mark the odd item. A. Family Allowances. B. Unemployment Insurance. C. Free enterprise. D. Old Age Pensions.
25.Which of these statements best describes the economic system of Canada? A. Unrestricted private enterprise. B. Private enterprise with government intervention. C. Government domination of industry and business. D. Cradle to grave economic security for all citizens.