Date of download: 11/2/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Multiscale Strain as a Predictor of Impact-Induced Fissuring in Articular Cartilage J Biomech Eng. 2017;139(3):031004-031004-8. doi:10.1115/1.4034994 Figure Legend: Development and assessment of logistic regression models for predicting failure in cartilage. Models were developed using data from samples impacted with the 1.2 mm diameter rod (a). For local mechanics, the temporal peak of each mechanical variable was determined at each grid point. Regions near the articular surface that were fissured and intact were used to develop logistic regression models, providing multiple data points from each sample. For bulk mechanics, a single data point was used for each sample. Models were assessed using samples impacted with the 0.8 mm diameter rod (b). The predictor variable of interest (maximum shear strain rate in this example) was fed into the logistic regression model in order to yield the probability of fissure at each location on the sample.