ELC 310 Day 19
Agenda Questions? Market Plans Graded Two major assignments Left 3 A’s, 3 B’s, 2 C’s, 1 D and 2 non-submits Should have seen better results Two major assignments Left Case study analysis of an existing case Week after break 10% Creation of a case study Last week of the semester 16% Case Study Proposals Due Nov 29 Less than one page on the company you will be writing a case study on and where you will be getting the research. Brick and mortar company that used a eMarketing strategy Starting today we will be in the text ebusiness.marketing Today, Nov 16 Chap 1 & 2 Friday, Nov 20 Chap 3 & 4
Case Study Possibilities Marshall Industries Charles Schwab K-mart (or Wal-Mart) Sears GM (or Ford or Chrysler) e-bay Monster. COM
Discussion of Albert Text Explores impact of technology on traditional marketing models First 4 Chapters establish a conceptual framework for e-marketing and introduces analytic tools Chap 5 -12 provide case studies of 8 different companies Chap 13 & 14 explores the future of e-marketing and research methodologies http://www.sandlight.com/albert/ebizNow.html
Case Study Analysis Deliverables Expectations 20 min oral presentation in front of class Overview of Company Discussion of e-marketing goal or strategy Identification of primary Stakeholders Value Bubble analysis Discussion of perceived success or failure of e-Marketing goal or strategy 5 min question and answer period with classmates and Instructor As a minima the student should be able to define the Key Terms and answer the Questions to Ask at the end of each case study A PowerPoint presentation corresponding to the Oral Presentation Expectations Student should be able to demonstrate a mastery of the material covered in first four chapters of the Albert Text and understand how the Case Study under analysis fits into the framework established in previous chapters. Students should have read the case studies being presented by the other students and be able to ask intelligent questions of the presenter of the case study. Every case study should prompt a class discussion of the issues raised in the Case Study
Grade Generation for analysis Four Components Class Grade for Presenter 25% of Total Grade Average of the grades submitted by students Presenter Grade for Class participation Average of the grades submitted by presenter Instructor Grade for Presenter 25% of Total grade Instructor Grade for Class Participation Grading Rubric for Presenter Demonstrated Mastery of Case Study 30% Understanding of How Case Study Fits 30% Presentation effectiveness 20% Quality of PowerPoint 20% Grading Rubric for Class Participation Subjective interpretation 100%
For next class Read Albert Chapters 1-4 Look at Chaps 6-12 and decide which of these case studies you would like to analyze and present to the class Can either be a team (2) or individual Students must collectively complete 7 of these cases 9 students means only 2 teams of two Expect to occupy 20 minutes of class time for your presentation and discussion More for teams
Schedule for last days of class Today Albert Chap 1 November 18 Albert Chap 2 & 3 November 22 Albert chap 4 November 29 Instructor presentation of case study analysis December 2 Student Case study analysis presentations December 6 Student Case study analysis presentations December 9 December 13 Albert Chap 13 & 14 December 16 Written Case Studies Due Quiz 4 December 22 in Finals week at 3PM Case study presentations
Some marketing terms Direct marketing Branding Advertising Telemarketing Customer relations Public relations Channel Stakeholder Marketplace Profiling Market research Demographics Target market NPD New Product development
Marketing Review The 5 P’s of Marketing (sometimes only four!) Product Price Promotion Placement Planning
Background Why does e-Marketing exist? Role of Technology Enabler Database Internet
Overview of E-Business Marketing Components of E-Business E-Business Marketing Concept Overview Process to Create and Deliver Goods, Services, and Ideas Valuable Exchange Process Multiple Group Involvement Definition of-eBusiness Marketing Is History Repeating itself? New Technologies have fast adoptations rates Understanding technology and Technology Personnel IT Departmental Orientation and Goals
E-Business Definition Five Components E-Commerce (EC) Business Intelligence (BI) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
E-Business Components (page 4) E-Commerce Business Intelligence Customer Relationship Management Above the line is the customers’ perspective Below the line is a business perspective Supply Chain Management Enterprise Resource Planning
Kotler 2000 Marketing is societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others
AMA 1995 Marketing (management) is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
Harrell and Frazier 1999 According to the marketing concept (philosophy), the purpose of marketing is to understand the needs and wants of the customers and to create customer value through satisfaction and quality more effectively and efficiently than competitors.
3 Common Themes of Marketing Process for creating and delivering goods, services and ideas to customers Based on Exchanges that are valuable to both the customer and the company Many groups involved in marketing concept
Marketing Concepts Three common themes creation and delivery Customer service NPD Fulfillment value-laden exchanges Price Value Add Market Differentiators different groups (stakeholders) Integrated marketing communications Value Chain
Marketing Stakeholders Customers and potential customers Employees Investors Suppliers Partners
Mix and match The P’s Components E-Commerce (EC) Business Intelligence (BI) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concepts creation and delivery value-laden exchanges different groups (stakeholders) The P’s Price Product Promotion Placement Planning
Definition E-Business marketing is a concept and process of adapting the relevant and current technologies to the philosophy of marketing and its management. Growth One billion people online 10 million web sites 80% of traffic goes to 0.4% of websites The paradox mass-personalization Consumer desire for privacy Historical perspective Radio 38 TV 13 Internet 5
Is History repeating Itself? Radio in 1899 Beginning of mass marketing, Branding 38 years for 50 million households Televisions 1945 13 years for 50 million households PC 1960 16 years for 50 million households CRM and database marketing Internet 1994 5 years for 50 million households
Role of IT Departments Importance Communication Task Forces/Committees shared goals Seeks homeostasis Goal displacement