Measure “o” FY 2016-17 Proposed Budget Presentation Presenter: Greg Nyhoff, City Manager June 14, 2016
Introduction 1 2 3 4 Overview of 16-17 Recommended Funding Review ongoing Measure O projects 2 Overview of 16-17 Recommended Funding 3 Discuss policy considerations 4 Next steps
Summary of Ongoing Projects Measure O Summary Measure O Fund Summary Total Measure O Beginning Fund Balance FY 2015/16 $2,747,613 Forecasted FY 2015/16 Revenue $15,301,932 Total Measure O Projected Actual Expenditures ($14,709,633) Projected Ending Fund Balance FY 2015/16 $3,339,912 Summary of Ongoing Projects Total Police $ 3,789,945 Fire $ 4,607,572 Cultural and Community Services $ 1,440,307 Public Works $ 1,674,200 Spanish Interpretation at Council Meetings $ 50,000 SUBTOTAL: $ 11,562,024
Measure O : Current Ongoing Projects PROGRAM FY 16-17 PROJECTED POLICE: Community Policing Enhancement $3,001,998 CAD Police $ 787,947 Subtotal: $3,789,945 FIRE: Fire Station Operational $3,080,790 Fire Station 8 Lease Debt (Construction of Station 8) $1,357,600 Fire Ladder Truck Lease $ 169,182 $4,607,572 Spanish Interpretation at Council Meetings $ 50,000
Measure O : Current Ongoing Projects PROGRAM FY 16-17 PROJECTED CULTURAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: City Corps Townkeeper $550,000 Preschool to You $135,000 Senior Nutrition Program $ 40,000 Homework Center $ 21,178 Mobile Activity Center $ 30,000 College Park Measure O $466,527 Library Integrated System $ 50,000 PAL Operational $147,602 SUBTOTAL: $1,440,307 PUBLIC WORKS: 2014 Lease Revenue Street Bond $1,674,200 Total Ongoing Measure O Projects: $11,562,024
FY 16/17 Measure O Funding Recommendations Funding Category/Project One Time Colonia Gym Facility Repairs $ 18,000 PACC Auditorium & other Repairs $350,000 Fire Standards of cover Study $ 50,000 Breathing Apparatus $100,000 Fiber Master Plan Body Cameras $220,000 Public Safety Vehicle Replacement $450,000 Police-Efficient Workforce Scheduling Software $ 60,000 Animal Shelter Feasibility Study $ 25,000 Subtotal (Specific Projects): $1,373,000 Facilities Maintenance and Repairs $500,000 Neighborhood Parks Improvements Community Parks Improvements $750,000 Sidewalk Repairs Subtotal (Categories): $2,250,000 Total FY 16/17 Recommended Funding: $3,623,000
Measure O Summary Total Measure O Fund Summary $15,821,171 Projected Measure O Revenues FY 2016/17 $15,821,171 Subtotal Revenue and Fund Balance FY 2016/17 $19,161,083 Current Measure O Projects (Ongoing) ($ 11,562,024) FY 16/17 Recommended Projects (One Time) ($ 3,623,000) Total FY 16/17 Measure O Proposed Projects ($15,185,024) Measure O FY 16/17 Ending Fund Balance $ 3,976,059
Considerations Seek input from Measure “O” Oversight Committee FY 16/17 Recommendations are One Time FY 16/17 Recommendations strive to address deferred maintenance, park and building improvements, as well as deferred vehicle replacement. Next year, need to consider strategy for relying on Measure O for ongoing operations
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