Research, Reflect, and Report Day Two: Goal: 2:The learner will inform an audience by using a variety of media to research and explain insights into language and culture. Research, Reflect, and Report How does an author impact the time period in which he/she lives? Materials: Daily Journal Entrance Reflection
Return of Exit Slip/Link to Prior Learning Why do certain memories remain? Do mental pictures remain? What type of imagery comes to mind? TTYPA (Turn to your partner and… Materials: Memories Journal
TTYPA Share your thoughts and experiences Nominate your partner Share how the experiences of your partner impacted your personal view of the same memory Materials: Memories Journal
Anne Frank, Author Did she live during an important historic event? Was her contribution effective in impacting others view of history? Did the historical period in which she lived frame her view of the world? Enter your thoughts in your journal Materials: Journal
American Authors and History Activity: Research an American Author from the Civil Rights Movement Research literary works from the same author Discuss and nominate author for group project in group blog on teacher website Materials: Internet Blog
Break Stretch, Relax, Reflect Return to your seat by the end of the song
The Project Assignment of Groups Description of Project Portfolio Assessment Group Expectations Individual Expectations
The Portfolio The Rubric The Menu Part One: Portfolio Rubric.xps Portfolio Menu.xps Part One: Research Essay Six point rubric persuasive essay.xps Materials: Rubrics Notebook
Guidelines for Media Center and Group Project Respect Media Center rules for acceptable use Consider the opinions of all group members in a respectful manner Demonstrate fairness in decision-making
Research Working in groups: Research authors of the period Blog about authors on teacher website Agree upon author Group reporter notifies teacher of selection No class duplicates! Materials: Website Index Card
What’s on the Menu? Reflect upon your experiences today in your journal Blog with your group Make connections between author and works Develop a plan for research tomorrow
Closing Activity Exit Slip Write down the following: Author Proposed Work Rank your choice