Jeremiah Pre Test: 1. What is Jeremiah’s Hebrew and Greek name? A. Yirmeyahu and Hieremias B. Jirmeyah and Jieremiah C. Jereimas and Heremia 2. There are how many Old Testament characters named Jeremiah? _____ Was Jeremiah first or last?___________ 3. Jeremiah is often referred to as the: A. Prophet from Anathoth B. Weeping Prophet C. Suffering Prophet 4. What does Jeremiah mean in Hebrew (literally)? __________ 5. What prophets were contemporaries of Jeremiah? A. Isaiah, Daniel, Nehemiah and Amos B. Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel and Habakkuk C. Daniel, Ezekiel, Habakkuk and Zephaniah
6. Over what period of time did Jeremiah minister? A. 640-609 BC B. 627-580 BC C. 605-560 BC 7. Jeremiah was a prophet to which house? A. Israel B. Judah 8. How many kings reigned in Jerusalem during Jeremiah’s ministry time? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 9. When did Jeremiah’s wife die?_________________________
10. What Old Testament prophet made Jeremiah famous? _____ 11. Jeremiah is: A. An autobiography B. A biography C. An history 12. By training, Jeremiah was a; A. Priest B. Carpenter C. Prophet 13. Where is Jeremiah buried today?___________________ 14. What does Jeremiah and Paul have in common? ____________
Jeremiah 1 - Jeremiah’s Call and Commission Divine Inauguration 1-3 To whom the word of the LORD came During the reigns of Josiah, Jehoiakim, Zedekiah and until deportation Divine Election 4,5 I knew you before Psalms 39:14-15; Job 10 And before your birth I consecrated you Appointed a prophet (foretelling) to the nations Divine Commission 6-10 Not me, I can’t speak...I’m just a kid Shut up and listen: ( I hate excuses) Go where I send you and say that which I tell you to say You SHALL go and you SHALL speak!
I will give you MY words I have appointed you! This day! OVER the nations and kingdoms! To pluck up, break down, destroy, overthrow, build and plant Jeremiah 31:27-34 Divine Intention 11-16 Almond Rod=Used as symbol God watching over (protecting) His word to perform it Boiling pot=used as symbol Boiling hot water coming from the north Nations called by God, from the north to the gates of Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah Pronouncing judgment against Judah for their: Wickedness
Forsaking Jehovah God Offered sacrifices to other gods Worshiping things made by their own hands Divine Injunction 17-19 Gird your loins Exodus 12:11 Speak that which I command you Do not be discouraged before them Or I’ll dismay you before their eyes You are a bronze wall, iron pillar and a fortified city They WILL fight you…but I am with you Walk by faith (in ME) not by sight