Writing an Essay
Monday Return tests Go Multiple Choice
Monday Return Harrison Bergeron tests Go over extended response. Notice the pattern of highlighting when done correctly You will want this same pattern for the body paragraphs on your essay
IB RUBRIC Used at CHS for every grade. Tells you what you need to do. Tells you what your grade will be based on how well you meet the requirements. Let’s go over the rubric. This will stay in your writing folder. This is meant to be used as a way to make your essay the best it can be.
Wednesday/Thursday Fair vs. Equal You will be writing an essay using the sources we are exploring (including “Harrison Bergeron”). Prompt: You have read or viewed four sources that explore the concept of equality. Choose three to explain in an essay. Which source do you find the most important and why?
Considerations for each criterion Commentary for an Analysis Essay Grade Bands: 5-8 = D 9-12= C 13-16=B 17-20 = A A: Understanding and interpretation: How well does the student’s interpretation reveal understanding of the thought and feeling of the passage? How well are ideas supported by references to the passage? 1 There is basic understanding of the passage but virtually no attempt at interpretation and few references to the passage. 2 There is some understanding of the passage, with a superficial attempt at interpretation and some appropriate references to the passage. 3 There is adequate understanding of the passage, demonstrated by an interpretation that is supported by appropriate references to the passage. 4 There is a very good interpretation of the passage, demonstrated by sustained interpretation supported by well-chosen references to the passage. 5 There is excellent understanding of the passage, demonstrated by persuasive interpretation supported by effective references to the passage. This is how the student shows he/she understands the piece and digs deeper in his/her writing. B. Appreciation of the writer’s choices: To what extent does the analysis show appreciation of how the writer’s choices of language, structure, technique, and style shape meaning? There are few references to, and no analysis or appreciation of, the ways in which language, structure, technique, and style shape meaning. There is some mention, but little analysis or appreciation, of the ways in which language, structure, technique, and style shape meaning. There is adequate analysis and appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique, and style shape meaning. There is very good analysis and appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique, and style shape meaning. There is excellent analysis and appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique, and style shape meaning. The student analyzes the author’s style and use of rhetorical devices. The student gives evidence of how the author chooses certain language, word choice, or even shows examples of specific devices. But this is the author of the piece. C: Organization and development: How well organized, coherent, and developed is the presentation of ideas. Ideas have little organization; there may be superficial structure, but coherence and development are lacking Ideas have some organization, with a recognizable structure; coherence and development are often lacking Ideas are adequately organized, with a suitable structure; some attention is paid to coherence and development. Ideas are effectively organized, with very good structure, coherence, and development. Ideas are persuasively organized, with excellent structure, coherence, and development. This usually includes thesis statement, topic sentences, and transitions. E: Language: How clear, varied, and accurate is the language? How appropriate is the choice of register, style, and terminology? Language is rarely clear and appropriate; there are many errors in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction, and little sense of register and style. Language is sometimes clear and carefully chosen; grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction are fairly accurate, although errors and inconsistencies are apparent; the register and style are to some extent appropriate to the task. Language is clear and carefully chosen, with and adequate degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction despite some lapses; register and style are mostly appropriate to the task. Language is clear and carefully chosen, with a good degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure; register and style are consistently appropriate to the task. Language is very clear, effective, carefully chosen and precise, with a high degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction; register and style are effective and appropriate to the task. This is NOT limited to word choice. It can also be writing which shows style. Considerations for each criterion
The Writing Process Take Notes
Essay: Format
Essay: Body Paragraphs You already have notes for your body paragraphs.
The Writing Process Review Steps in the Writing Process
Steps are: -Prewriting -Drafting -Revising -Editing -Publication
1 - Prewriting CONSIDER (THINK ABOUT) Topic Audience Content
Prewriting Topic Brainstorming words, ideas Webbing Graphic Organizers Audience - Will you be writing for class newspaper hall bulletin board Content What is the most important part of the composition that needs to be stressed?
Organize your thoughts. Use a graphic organizer or an outline. Prewriting Organize your thoughts. Use a graphic organizer or an outline. Story Frame Beginning Middle End Issue Issue
2 - Drafting “Getting It Down” Rough Draft SLOPPY COPY
Draft Copy You can write a first draft or compose at the keyboard. IMPORTANT – Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation at this point. The idea is to get your ideas down on paper.
Drafting 1. Write your first draft as rapidly as you can. In writing the first draft of your essay, try to get as many ideas down on paper as quickly as you can. Don't worry about spelling or punctuation at all at this stage, just ideas.
Drafting 2. When writing your first draft, write your thesis statement, but don't worry about your introduction. One of the reasons why many of us have trouble writing a first draft is that we try to write the essay beginning with the introduction. This is a difficult, and sometimes an impossible, task. How can you introduce an essay you haven't written yet? Start right out with your trial thesis statement and support it.
Drafting 4. Rewrite your thesis statement whenever you can make it a better guide for writing and revising your essay. Remember that your trial thesis statement is a guide to help you see where your essay is going. But one of the greatest dangers in trying to write an essay is that you change your mind without realizing it, that you lose track of what you started to say and end up saying something else, without being aware of it. That is why your thesis statement is so important.
Drafting If you change your mind about what you are writing, remember to go back and revise the thesis. It is not unusual to rewrite your thesis statement a dozen times in the course of revising your essay.
Drafting 5. Write your first draft in the way that is easiest and most comfortable for you. If you are an experienced typist, you will probably type your first draft. But if it is easier for you to write in longhand, do that. In writing your first draft, you want to write as quickly and easily as you can, concentrating just on the words but not on the way of producing the words. So go with whatever comes easiest. You will be revising this work. Do not try to make the first draft the final draft. Assume you will revise, and you can be much more loose and free in writing your first draft, and you can do it much more quickly. http://daphne.palomar.edu/handbook/firstdraft.htm#1.5.4
3- Revising – Making changes in organization or ideas - BIG Conferencing Refine Content Sequence Strong/ Weak Points Content Content Content Content Content Content
Writer reads composition to: Revising Conferencing Writer reads composition to: the teacher &/or peers Refine Content Strong/ Weak Points
Revising Conferencing Refine Content Students may be making changes as they read the composition. Student may ask opinion. Strong/ Weak Points
Ask questions rather than spout rules. Revising Conferencing Refine Content Strong/ Weak Points Be specific. Teach, do not preach. Ask questions rather than spout rules. http://youtu.be/VCio7AbO3vo
4 - Editing Punctuation Spelling Complete Sentences – No fragments or run-ons.
Editing: Strategy COPS COPS C Capitals O Overall Appearance P Punctuation S Spelling
5 - Publication Glory Story
Publish in a variety of ways and for a variety of audiences. Publication Publish in a variety of ways and for a variety of audiences. Make books Hang on bulletin boards Hang in halls Read to administrators Read to other classes Internet Check out stories in the library School newspaper Local newspaper Student magazines Teacher magazines
The Writing Process is Recursive. Steps are …. But - Prewriting - Drafting - Revising - Editing - Publication The Writing Process is Recursive.
Review IB Rubric - Scoring
Learning Goal Students will be able to write a grammatically correct five-paragraph essay (introduction - including a thesis statement, three supporting paragraphs, conclusion), using complete well-written sentences and transitions. Analyze the learning goal. What’s included? Self-assess – 0-4
An essay is a group of paragraphs relating to one main idea An essay is a group of paragraphs relating to one main idea. The bing, the bang, and the bongo is a method for organizing your thoughts when you write an essay.
(the bing, the bang, the bongo) Paragraph Two – The BING Introduction (the bing, the bang, the bongo) Paragraph Two – The BING Paragraph Three – The BANG Paragraph Four – The BONGO Conclusion
Let’s create a real essay using the bing, the bang, and the bongo and a three-part thesis statement pattern as our guide. It’s easy!
Introduction (The bing, the bang, the bongo) Of all the holidays throughout the year, the Fourth of July is my favorite. I like the Fourth of July because we always have good food to eat, because we spend time with family, and especially because we watch colorful fireworks. Make sure students notice that the introduction includes all three reasons Stress the color coding.
Paragraph Two – The BING First of all, my mom cooks the best food on the Fourth of July. We always have spicy, sweet barbequed ribs or chicken. My sister’s yearly request is golden corn on the cob dripping with butter. My dad must have creamy potato salad. However, my favorite item comes at the end of the meal—juicy, red watermelon. Yes, the Fourth of July meal is the best.
Paragraph Three – The BANG Next, it is always fun when my family gets together on the Fourth of July. Each holiday my uncles and aunts bring their families to our house. In the morning we usually go swimming in the lake behind our house or ride horses through the pasture. Afterwards, we have a big picnic with the whole family. Then my cousins and I get together for a game of baseball in the front yard. My family has a great time when we are all together.
Paragraph Four – The BONGO Finally, I love to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. At night all of my family go downtown to the city’s annual fireworks display. We spread blankets on the cool grass and lie down facing the starry sky. Suddenly the night is filled with glory. Fingers of color explode overhead. Great booms and pops fill the night. We all watch in amazement at the beautiful sight. The fireworks are a great ending to a perfect day.
Conclusion (The bing, the bang, the bongo) The Fourth of July is a wonderful holiday. Eating good food, being with my family, and watching the fireworks make the holiday extra special. No wonder the Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
Let’s put it all together!
OUTLINE I like the fourth of July because we always have good food to eat, because we spend time with family, and especially because we watch colorful fireworks. First of all, my mom cooks the best food on the Fourth of July. -We always have spicy, sweet barbequed ribs or chicken. -golden corn on the cob dripping with butter. -creamy potato salad. - juicy, red watermelon. Fun when my family gets together on the Fourth of July. -Each holiday my uncles and aunts bring their families to our house. -go swimming in the lake behind our house or -ride horses in the pasture. -big picnic with the whole family. - get together for a game of baseball in the front yard. Finally, I love to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. -city’s annual fireworks display. -blankets on the cool grass and lie down facing the starry sky. -night is filled with glory. color explode overhead. -Great booms and pops fill the night -beautiful sight The Fourth of July is a wonderful holiday. Eating good food, being with my family, and watching the fireworks make the holiday extra special. No wonder the Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
Most Americans consider Christmas their favorite holiday Most Americans consider Christmas their favorite holiday. Sure, it’s fun and it even has religious importance for a lot of people. I absolutely appreciate Christmas. However, one holiday is even more enjoyable to me. The fourth of July is my favorite holiday because we always have good food to eat, because we spend time with family, and especially because we watch colorful fireworks. First of all, my mom cooks the best food on the Fourth of July. We always have spicy, sweet barbequed ribs or chicken. My sister’s yearly request is golden corn on the cob dripping with butter. My dad must have creamy potato salad. However, my favorite item comes at the end of the meal – juicy, red watermelon. Yes, the Fourth of July meal is the best. Next, it is always fun when my family gets together on the Fourth of July. Each holiday my uncles and aunts bring their families to our house. In the morning we usually go swimming in the lake behind our house or ride horses in the pasture. Afterwards, we have a big picnic with the whole family. Then my cousins and I get together for a game of baseball in the front yard. My family has a great time when we are all together. Finally, I love to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. At night all of my family go downtown to the city’s annual fireworks display. We spread blankets on the cool grass and lie down facing the starry sky. Suddenly the night is filled with glory. Fingers of color explode overhead. Great booms and pops fill the night. We all watch in amazement at the beautiful sight. The fireworks are a great ending to a perfect day. The Fourth of July is a wonderful holiday. Eating good food, being with my family, and watching the fireworks make the holiday extra special. No wonder the Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
How to Write an Introduction https://youtu.be/gPkwnf_PheM
Umbrella Thesis For more complex essays, argument essays, or essays where using a three-part thesis statement would be awkward and long, choose a thesis that covers the whole topic (like an umbrella).
Most Americans consider Christmas their favorite holiday Most Americans consider Christmas their favorite holiday. Sure, it’s fun and it even has religious importance for a lot of people. I absolutely appreciate Christmas. However, one holiday is even more enjoyable to me. The fourth of July is my favorite holiday. First of all, my mom cooks the best food on the Fourth of July. We always have spicy, sweet barbequed ribs or chicken. My sister’s yearly request is golden corn on the cob dripping with butter. My dad must have creamy potato salad. However, my favorite item comes at the end of the meal – juicy, red watermelon. Yes, the Fourth of July meal is the best. Next, it is always fun when my family gets together on the Fourth of July. Each holiday my uncles and aunts bring their families to our house. In the morning we usually go swimming in the lake behind our house or ride horses in the pasture. Afterwards, we have a big picnic with the whole family. Then my cousins and I get together for a game of baseball in the front yard. My family has a great time when we are all together. Finally, I love to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. At night all of my family go downtown to the city’s annual fireworks display. We spread blankets on the cool grass and lie down facing the starry sky. Suddenly the night is filled with glory. Fingers of color explode overhead. Great booms and pops fill the night. We all watch in amazement at the beautiful sight. The fireworks are a great ending to a perfect day. The Fourth of July is a wonderful holiday. Eating good food, being with my family, and watching the fireworks make the holiday extra special. No wonder the Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
TRANSITIONS The glue that holds your thoughts together
My Favorite Holiday Transitions Of all the holidays throughout the year, the Fourth of July is my favorite. I like the fourth of July because we always have good food to eat, because we spend time with family, and especially because we watch colorful fireworks. The Fourth of July is truly the best holiday. First of all, my mom cooks the best food on the Fourth of July. We always have spicy, sweet barbequed ribs or chicken. My sister’s yearly request is golden corn on the cob dripping with butter. My dad must have creamy potato salad. However, my favorite item comes at the end of the meal—juicy, red watermelon. Yes, the Fourth of July meal is the best. Next, it is always fun when my family gets together on the Fourth of July. Each holiday my uncles and aunts bring their families to our house. In the morning we usually go swimming in the lake behind our house or ride horses in the pasture. Afterwards, we have a big picnic with the whole family. Then my cousins and I get together for a game of baseball in the front yard. My family has a great time when we are all together. Finally, I love to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. At night all of my family go downtown to the city’s annual fireworks display. We spread blankets on the cool grass and lie down facing the starry sky. Suddenly the night is filled with glory. Fingers of color explode overhead. Great booms and pops fill the night. We all watch in amazement at the beautiful sight. The fireworks are a great ending to a perfect day. The Fourth of July is a wonderful holiday. Eating good food, being with my family, and watching the fireworks make the holiday extra special. No wonder the Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
Common Transitions First First of all Second Secondly Third Next Then Afterwards In the morning In the evening In addition Also More importantly Finally At last Therefore In summary In conclusion
Fair vs. Equal Due Tomorrow: First Draft You will be writing an essay using the sources we are exploring (including “Harrison Bergeron”). Prompt: You have read or viewed four sources that explore the concept of equality. Choose three to explain in an essay. Which source do you find the most important and why? Due Tomorrow: First Draft Every body paragraph needs two quotes. Use Academic Paragraph Format. Must be legible
FLEE Map See Doc Cam
Citations In-text Citations https://youtu.be/HTaUHS1mnvw https://youtu.be/XQ8fy7SPotM short
Assignment http://youtu.be/WgcovIu3k9o There are many types of heroes. In a five paragraph essay discuss three people that you consider to be your heroes (or very important people in your life). Or, write about one person who is your hero and discuss three reasons why. Five Paragraph Essay - http://youtu.be/GwjmMtTVO1g How to Write a First Draft - http://youtu.be/Yk6K5BHEQME
Assignment http://youtu.be/WgcovIu3k9o There are many types of heroes. In a five paragraph essay discuss three people that you consider to be your heroes (or very important people in your life). Or, write about one person who is your hero and discuss three reasons why. Five Paragraph Essay - http://youtu.be/GwjmMtTVO1g How to Write a First Draft - http://youtu.be/Yk6K5BHEQME
Prompt There are many types of heroes. In a five paragraph essay: discuss three people that you consider to be your heroes (or very important people in your life) Or, write about one person who is your hero and discuss three reasons why.
Assignment http://youtu.be/i22DvoyuCOc There are many things that can make us grateful. In a five paragraph essay discuss three things or people in your life for which you are grateful.
The End