1.Uva Wellassa University, Badulla. Effect of different storage temperatures on shelf life of Yellowfin tuna in Sri Lanka C.K. Galhena1, B.K.K.K. Jinadasa2*, N.P.P. Liyanage1, D.S. Ariyarathne2, S.B.N. Ahmad2, P.H. Ginigaddarage2 Introduction: Fisheries industry has widened in pas decade and it is extremely important, socially & economically to the Sri Lanka. Yellowfin Tuna/YFT (Thunnus albacares) is one of the main target species of the tuna fishery in Sri Lanka. YFT is important in export fish market and EU is the dominant trade partner of Sri Lanka. The total export of fish and fishery products from Sri Lanka was 12,594 Mt with a value of 14,673 million rupees. Histamine is the one of the main chemical contaminants associated with the problems of seafood export in Sri Lanka. Histamine normally develops in fish muscles mainly due to the temperature abutionan, which is causing Scombridae poisoning. The shelf life of the frozen tuna mainly depend on the chemical and microbiological changes (TVB-N ,TMA, APC, Histamine etc.) The European Union’s (EU’s) rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) notified 10,9 and 23 cases of Sri Lanka exports in 2010,2011 and 2012 respectively. Methods: Survey - Survey was conducted with the 5 top exporting companies by using a questionnaire Aerobic Plate Count (APC) - Sri Lanka Standard 516:part 1:1991 method Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVB-N) Malle and Tao method (1987) Kjeldahl distillation unit (model - Velp & UDK 132) Trimethyl amine (TMA) - The same method was followed as for TVB-N determination by adding 10 mL of35 % of formaldehyde Histamine - AOAC Official Methods of Analysis (1990) – (method 957.07) (model - Shimadzu LC 20 AD) pH - The method of laboratory manual of analytical methods and procedures for fish products Temperature - Data logger was used to measure the temperature daily during the research period Sensory evaluation - Sensory panel was selected for identify the remaining quality of sample set Results & Discussions Aerobic Plate count has increased in number during the storage trial under 3 different storage temperatures. Even though the initial count of APC is same for the different temperatures, readings have increased with the duration of the storage trial, but did not reach the maximum level of 107 CFU/g When the increase of fish storage duration, TVB-N concentration also increased and reached the margin of risk level 35 mg/kg on day 12 under the 7 °C condition. According to this study, the shelf life of Yelloefin tuna fish loins (from TVB-N indices) is 17 days below 4 °C. The concentration of biogenic amine, histamine present in the YFT fish loin which were stored in 0 °C, 4 °C and 7 °C conditions are significant to each other (p<0.05). Histamine was present at the highest levels of 135.9 mg/kg at day 21 in 7 °C condition. This detection is high in amount which was formed during the short period of time. It has exceeded the EU recommended level of histamine as 100 mg/kg. But no sample reached the toxic level of 500 mg/kg during the storage trial. Conclusion In comparison with published data, the Histamine levels detected in YFT during this study were quite similar to YFT from oceans around the world We can recommend that the shelf life of YFT is remain as 14 days under 4 °C condition If the temperature remain or control below 4 °C without abusing, quality parameters may not be gone beyond the recommended levels. It may cause to maintain the quality of the fish loin until it reach its destination. Objectives: Determine the suitability of storage temperature for maintaining the shelf life. (Yellowfin tuna- Thunnus albacares) To check out the quality changes of yellowfin tuna under different storage conditions. Use the study to provide recommendation/certifications for suitable storage conditions. 1.Uva Wellassa University, Badulla. 2.Institute of Post Harvest Technology Division (IPHT), National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency (NARA), Sri Lanka.