Celebrating Sacraments Sacramental Awareness, Symbols and Rituals
The Sacraments: Channels of Divine Grace Sacraments are: Highly symbolic rituals Celebrations of Christian tradition, hope and life Latin “Sacramentum” a sign of the sacred Seven sacraments Celebrate the coming of God’s Kingdom Special occasions for experiencing God’s saving grace Dimensions of the past, present and future Relates to the stories and teachings of Christ Outward signs instituted by Christ to give grace
The Seven Sacraments Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments of Healing Baptism Eucharist Confirmation Sacraments of Healing Anointing of the Sick Reconciliation Sacraments of Vocation Marriage Holy Orders
Sacraments: A Definition Sacraments may be defined as the following: Signs of grace Instituted by Christ Entrusted to His Church Give divine life to us Sacraments are signs of grace in that it is Christ himself who is present in them and acting through them. Christ himself, introduced to his disciples the practice of using actions as signs of grace
Sacraments: A Definition The Sacraments were entrusted to the Church in that he gave to St Peter the “keys to the kingdom” (Matt 16:18) and commissioned them to baptize people, forgive sins, celebrate the Eucharist and anoint the sick Over the centuries, the Church gradually discerned that seven actions of it’s liturgy surpassed all others. These actions were then grouped under the following headings: Initiation, Healing, Service/Vocation Finally a sacrament gives divine life to us. The communication of this comes directly from the Holy Spirit.
Sacramental Awareness, Dullness and Grace
Sacramental Awareness, Dullness and Grace 3. What does sacramental awareness reveal about God’s presence to us in creation God speaks and can be seen through all things. At the same time, God is not identical with creation: God transcends creation- is beyond it as the loving source of it all 4. What is Sacramental Dullness Sacramental Dullness is the inability to perceive the sacred in life or in the world. 5. List the three reasons why people could have Sacramental Dullness 1) People are too busy 2) The pain and suffering in the world clouds people’s vision 3) People do not know where to look or what to look for
Sacramental Awareness, Dullness and Grace
Sacramental Awareness, Dullness and Grace
Sacramental Awareness, Dullness and Grace
Essential Sacramental Skills
Essential Sacramental Skills
Sacramental Moments
Different Kinds of Symbols and Thinking
Different Kinds of Symbols and Thinking
Different Kinds of Symbols and Thinking
Rituals: Actions serving as Symbols 1) What are Rituals Rituals are symbolic actions that help us concretely or physically express our beliefs, values and deepest concerns 2) What are some easy and complex rituals Easy- handshakes, waves or sign of the cross Complex-Olympic games
Rituals: Actions serving as Symbols 3) Why are rituals important in celebrating sacraments They help us express those entities that are hard to express any other way but through symbolic action or the consecration of a person for special ministry within the church 4) How can we distinguish an action from a ritual. Can they be combined. Actions are only performed only for specific practical purposes are not rituals or symbolic actions. Rituals are symbolic only. Can they be combined- Yes
Rituals: Actions Serving as Symbols 5) How are rituals different from routine? Routines do not have a deeper meaning like rituals do 6) Your opinion question 7) What are the 8 characteristics that rituals tend to involve Movement and Gestures Significant Words Repeated actions Linkages to the past Symbolic Celebrations Communal Actions Important events Participation not Observation
Ritual and Worship
Ritual and Worship
Ritual and Worship