Presentation title User-friendly document – reporting, accounting and review – second commitment period KP 14th meeting of GHG inventory Lead Reviewers Bonn, Germany, 8 – 9 March 2017 Roman Payo | UNFCCC secretariat | Mitigation, Data and Analysis Programme
User-friendly document Presentation title User-friendly document “The SBSTA requested the secretariat to compile into a user-friendly document… … all reporting, review and accounting requirements relating to the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol…”
User-friendly document – two parts Presentation title User-friendly document – two parts 1. Compilation of CMP decisions 2. Updated Kyoto Protocol reference manual
Compilation of CMP decisions Presentation title Compilation of CMP decisions 1. Compilation of CMP decisions 2. Updated Kyoto Protocol reference manual
Compilation of CMP decisions Presentation title Compilation of CMP decisions Available at the UNFCCC web
How does the compilation look like? Kyoto Protocol
How does the compilation look like? Dec 2/CMP.7
How does the compilation look like? Dec 22/CMP.1 (with 4/CMP.11)
Updated KP reference manual Presentation title Updated KP reference manual 1. Compilation of CMP decisions 2. Updated Kyoto Protocol reference manual
The original KP Reference Manual for CP1
Schedule for KP Reference Manual CP2 Presentation title Schedule for KP Reference Manual CP2 Draft in GHG LRs meeting web LRs comments by 15 April 2017? Final version by 31 May 2017
KP Reference Manual for CP2 Drafting principles for the update: Minimizing changes (layout, structure) Reducing repetition Updating where necessary Restructuring LULUCF section
KP Reference Manual for CP1 vs Manual for CP2 Presentation title KP Reference Manual for CP1 vs Manual for CP2 Introduction The Kyoto Protocol Accounting of emissions and assigned amounts over the commitment period Eligibility to the KP mechanisms GHG inventory related requirements Assigned amount related requirements Transactions rules LULUCF 8.1 Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, activities 8.2 Accounting approach 8.3 Accounting rules 8.4 Reporting 8.5 Review and compliance 8.6 Article 6 projects The Kyoto Protocol and the Doha Amendment Accounting of emissions and assigned amounts in the second commitment period Eligibility to the KPmechanisms Registry-related requirements and unit transactions 7.1 Definition of activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, and related definitions 7.2 Accounting approach 7.3. Reporting 7.4. Review and compliance 7.5. Issuance & cancellation of units
Possible elements for LRs meeting conclusions Presentation title Possible elements for LRs meeting conclusions Provide feedback to secretariat on KP Ref Manual by 15 April 2017 Include the user-friendly document (CMP compilation + KPRM) in materials circulated to reviewers before the reviews