Antiphon: THIS BLESSING CUP This ble-ssing cup is our com-mu-nion in the blood--of--Christ Each time you drink this cup you pro-claim his death until He comes!
Verse 1: THIS BLESSING CUP How can I re-pay the Lord for His good-ness to me. The cup of sal-va-tion I will raise and call--on His Name!
Antiphon: THIS BLESSING CUP This ble-ssing cup is our com-mu-nion in the blood--of--Christ Each time you drink this cup you pro-claim his death until He comes!
Verse 2: THIS BLESSING CUP O precious in the eyes--of the Lord is the death--of his faith-ful. Your ser-vant, Lord, your ser-vant am I; You have loos-ened--my bonds.
Antiphon: THIS BLESSING CUP This ble-ssing cup is our com-mu-nion in the blood--of--Christ Each time you drink this cup you pro-claim his death until He comes!
Verse 3: THIS BLESSING CUP A thanks-gi-ving sacrifice--I make: I will call--on the Lord’s name. My vows to the Lord I will ful-fill be-fore--all his peo-ple.
Antiphon: THIS BLESSING CUP This ble-ssing cup is our com-mu-nion in the blood--of--Christ Each time you drink this cup you pro-claim his death until He comes!