Local Church, Local Chaplaincy, Local School Rev Dr Stan Brown Church and Community Development Officer browns@methodistchurch.org.uk
Group Work Have you ever been a chaplain? Have you been “chaplained”?
“Chaplains are missionaries, the human face of Christ, the Church that has left the building... we can all be involved in chaplaincy” Revd Dr Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Britain
It’s amazing to see the adaptability of chaplaincy – that we are great anywhere, we can adapt anywhere: Elaine Chaplaincy is : a method for doing mission a process for transformation
Chaplaincy is: Pastorally pro-active Spiritually re-active ...the friendly face, the cup of coffee, the chat – all that lays the grounding for the deeper moments in life, which they will bring to you. You’ve no need to raise them - when things go wrong they’ll know where to find help: Chris
Chaplaincy is: Beyond the walls In a place where the chaplain is an invited guest, not a host Vulnerable not powerful Intentional presence rather than gathering Accredited by the sending community, recognised by the receiving community Sharing what God is doing in the world
There are……. Over 24,000 schools in the UK Educating 8.2 million young people..... Not to mention their families... And the 900,000 people who work in schools Schools cover the country
Group Work Which schools does your church already have contact with? How many people in your Church family: Attend school Work in a school Volunteer in a school (including governors)
What the Chaplains say: Doing School Chaplaincy ...going and being with people in a very different place ...doing what I am good at in the school ...people develop, their faith develops What the Chaplains say: Doing School Chaplaincy ...a bridge between Church and school I want to be a blessing to the school ...young people making a journey into faith Its about us serving the school... that’s where most of our young people spend a lot of their time
You’ve got to build credit with the school Don’t take advantage, avoid riding your hobby horse What the Chaplains Say: Working with the School We are in other people’s territory following other people’s rules Understand what the school has given permission for Being interested but not expecting anything Meeting their agenda before we seek to meet our own
Working with Chaplains Pupils respond to his warmth and humour Start small What the Schools Say: Working with Chaplains It’s never a hard sell Another pair of listening ears – someone to talk to We have very much valued the chaplain’s presence this year Come and live alongside us for a bit so that you are part of what we do not an add on If a child trusts someone it is more likely the parents will trust them. Like an additional member of staff who is not a member of staff He has taken a huge burden off me... ...always with a smile
What Works Primary: Classroom Help “Prayer Spaces” Assemblies which meet the schools needs Material which is not “too Christian” Pastoral Care Community Links “Open the Book” Church Visits “It’s Your Move” – supporting transitions
What Works
What Works Secondary: Curriculum Support (SMSC) Assemblies which meet the schools needs Material which is not “too Christian” Pastoral Care Community Links Support for disaffected students Volunteering Work Placements “If you want to get into secondary, start with primary”
What Works
RESOURCES www.methodist.org.uk/mission/chaplaincy Information & Contacts, Chaplaincy Pack Chaplaincy Video Chaplaincy Everywhere Course Chaplaincy Everywhere Exhibition http://www.opensourcechaplaincy.org.uk/ Chaplaincy development materials Chaplaincy evaluation and much, much more