District 7890 Grant Management Webinar February 23/March 3/April 5, 2016 Introductory Comments: Welcome to the Grant Management Seminar How many of you have been at a previous Grants Seminar-You will note there have been some changes I will try to emphasize the changes that take effect in District 7980 for the 2013-14 year 1
Meet Your Moderators Eileen Rau, PDG Pam Brown, PAG District Rotary Foundation Chair Pam Brown, PAG Grants Chair & Global Grants Sub-committee Chair
Purpose Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant; understand the difference between Global and District Grants Learn stewardship expectations Prepare clubs to implement the MOU Qualify clubs to receive grant funds On this slide you will find the purpose of this session. The purpose is: To understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant; To understand the difference between a Global Grant and a District Grant To learn what is expected of a Rotary Club Steward To prepare clubs to implement the Memorandum of Understanding also known as the “MOU” To help qualify clubs so they can receive grant funds 2
The Club Memorandum Of Understanding & the Addendum to the Club MOU The Signatures of the Club’s 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Presidents are required. Your incoming president must bring these forms to PETS, March 10-12
Addendum to Club MOU In order to receive any type of grant from District 7890 the Club must be qualified. Qualifiers: Attendance at a 2015-2016 District Grant Management Webinar by two club members Submit the club’s 2016-17 Foundation Goals into Club Central on rotary.org by May 1, 2016 Club and/or club members make at least a $10 per capita contribution to the SHARE/Annual Fund by May 1, 2016, Presidents for 2016-17 and presidents for 2017-2018 signing both the Club MOU & Addendum to Club MOU
Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development These are the 6 Areas of Focus. Where can you learn more about how each area of focus is defined by the Rotary Foundation? 14
Stewardship Rotarian supervision Financial records review Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: Rotarian supervision Financial records review Oversight of funds Reporting irregularities Timely submission of reports Why is Rotarian supervision important? What financial records should you review? Where can you find your over sight responsibilities spelled out? To whom would you report conflicts of interest and other irregularities? 8
Document Retention Provide access Retain for a minimum of five years Make copies
Stewardship A donor who understands that funds were used in an appropriate and responsible manner is more likely to give to the Foundation again to support projects.
Global vs District Grants GG DMG Must be in an Area of Focus X Community needs assessment Active Rotarian participation May be local or international Benefiting community participation Minimum budget $30,000 No miniumum budget Long-term sustainable impact Short-term - 1 year projects Measurable results How do District Grants differ from Global Grants? 16
50% District Designated Funds 2016-2017 Annual Fund -Share 2013-2014 $191,822 50% World Fund $95,911 50% District Designated Funds 2016-2017 $95,911
District Designated Funds 2016-2017 $95,911 50% $47,955 Global Grants Vocational Training Teams Scholarships Polio Plus Peace Centers World Fund 50% $47,955 District Grants
Timeline for 2016-2017 District Grants Feb 2016 Feb/Mar 2016 Mar 10 2016 May 1 2016 July/Aug 2016 Oct 1 2016 Mar 31 2017 Apr 15 2017 Grant form and info provided at PrePETS Grant Mgmt Webinars Final MOU Docs to DRFC-Eileen Rau at PETS Project Proposals Due to DG Chair Project Approvals Communicated To Club Presidents Final Project Applications Due to DG Chair Projects Completed Final Project Reports Due To DG Chair
Examples of this Year’s District Grants Stocking a food pantry Milk for a year Food and supplies for homeless children 1000 books Packaged meals for backpack program Formal dinner for special needs adults 5 residential rehab scholarships Handicapped Playground Equipment Replace washed out bridge El Salvador water project Chrome books for 5th grade Benches/bike racks for Rotary Park Replace roof on youth building Appliances for homeless shelter 46
District 7890 Global Grants Seminar Pam Brown, Chair, Grants sub-committee, Global Grants chair pbrown@qvcc.edu pbbrown208@charter.net 860-208-7760 (cell)
Global Grants Large, long term projects Sustainable with measurable outcomes Alignment with areas of focus World Fund Match Can be: Humanitarian Projects Scholarship – graduate level Vocational Training Team $30,000 minimum total budget Host and International partners
Global Grants Real Community Need Sustainable Measurable Goals Actively involve Rotarians from both clubs Stewardship and reporting
Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development
Project Funding Total budget must be at least $30,000 Minimum request from TRF is $15,000 30% of contributions must come from outside host club and district Club contributions matched 50 cents on the dollar (5% of Club contributions will be set aside for administrative costs.) District contributions matched dollar for dollar
Apply for District Designated Funds for Global Grant Identify project Identify and have firm commitment from International or Host Partner Determine size and scope of budget Complete the DISTRICT Global Grant Application Found at http://www.rotarydistrict7890.org/SitePage/district-grants-2016-17 Send completed form to pbbrown208@charter.net Upon approval by the District Grants Committee, your club should begin to fill out the Global Grant application through Rotary International Foundation, Inc. https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/take-action/apply-grants/global-grants
Funding Example Partner Contribution TRF Match 5% Admin Fee International Club $4,000 $2,000 $200 International District $10,000 Host Club $1,000 $100 Host District $5,000 Partner Total: $21,000 Foundation Total: $18,000 Admin Fee Total: $300 Project Total: $39,000 Grand Total: $39,300
Application Process Both clubs must be qualified, every year Apply for DDF Global Grants from District Follow “Global Grants Steps” to start the process with Rotary International Foundation. Application online only Each club has a 3 person project committee Keep District Leadership updated on progress Submit any time before June 30 Funded on a rolling basis
Global Grant Reporting Progress report 12 months after funds received Every 12 months until project is complete Final report submitted within 2 months of project completion
Questions? 70
Click on District Grants 2016-2017 in Contact Information Eileen Rau ebrau@comcast.net Janet Soja janet.soja@yahoo.com Pam Brown pbbrown208@charter.net pbrown@qvcc.edu To down load Grant Forms www.rotarydistrict7890.org Click on District Grants 2016-2017 in left hand column 70
Thank you! 70