Ensuring sustainability and impact of projects Policy-to-project-to-policy Conference Copenhagen| 28 April 2016 Ilze Ciganska, Managing Authority/ Joint Secretariat
How to facilitate the durability of outcomes Clear objectives and focus Timing of projects and activities Promote activities that are likely to create durable outcomes Cooperation with other projects to multiply effect Knowing and involving the target group and end users Projects funded within the BSR Programme contributed to implementation of all three objectives of the EUSBSR. The analysis of project results allowed to draw some overall conclusions regarding the durability of outputs and factors that influence that. The clearer is the focus of the planned activities, the easier it is to reach durable results. Projects linked to the strategies and policies, and targeting actual topics are likely to be more successful. → If the topic is relevant, policy makers will be most likely to use the information/analysis/results produced Develop a structured exchange between projects and PAC. Use projects to provide input to policy discussions, policy change. The involvement of end users and target group is seen as decisive for the take-up of project results. Policy-to-project-to-policy Conference, Copenhagen| 28 Apr 2016
Know your target groups and have them on board Who will use your outputs? Who can benefit from the project? Who is interested in what you develop? Knowing your target groups: Whom to target with your activities? Who will use your outputs? Who can directly benefit from the project? Who is or should be interested in what you develop – outside the project community? Which decision makers do you have to address and convince to make your project outcomes useful for the Baltic Sea Region? Who are the decision makers? Policy-to-project-to-policy Conference, Copenhagen| 28 Apr 2016
Ensuring sustainability and impact of projects Ilze Ciganska Project Officer Managing Authority/ Joint Secretariat Phone +49/381 45 484 5210 e-mail: ilze.ciganska@eu.baltic.net www.interreg-baltic.eu