Ryan, Courtney & Manyvanh PostModernism Ryan, Courtney & Manyvanh
Significant Events Conclusion of WWII Assassination of Martin Luther King (1968) & President Kennedy ( November 1962) Civil rights movements of 1960s Resignation of President Nixon in 1974 Feminist Movements
Beat Generation Timeline Freedom Movements Multicultural 1950 1960 1970 Emerging of Women’s Movements 1980-1990 Multicultural
Timeline Continued 1950 The beat generation was led by Ginsburg, Jack Kerouac, Lawrence Ferlinghetti 1960 Journalistic Essays were popular; Black Power, Women’s Liberties, & Gay Rights 1970 Kate Millet author of Sexual Politics attacked male writers for antifemale attitudes; Author female writers follow in suit: Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, & Joan Didion 1980-1990 Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993 Multicultural writers were expanding: Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy Ton, & Bharati Mukherjee and many more
Famous AUTHORS Plato “And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is?” Aristotle “Finally, if nothing can be truly asserted, even the following claim would be false, the claim that there is no true assertion”. Feyerabend “The only absolute truth is that there are no absolute”.
Characteristics Postmodernism is involved with the present or very near past. Postmodern writing is usually made by writers who like modern concepts. Began right after World War II /1950’s. Erasing boundaries between "low" and "high" culture Lack of a grand narrative Avoiding traditional closure of themes or situations
Topics Contemporary life Moral and Philosophical Relativism Loss of faith in political, and moral authority, alienation. Employing black humor (Parody, grotesque, absurdity, travesty, shock, satire, etc.) Reality represented through language Reaction to enlightenment ideas
Compare & Contrast Postmodern writing has been influenced by multiple other eras and writings; Can be seen as a playful or parody writing. One example that influenced this form of writing is Laurence Sterne's 1759 novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Postmodernism is said, by some, to be the least articulate era of literature yet. This is due to most postmodern writing being influenced or based off of past eras and their writings.
Why would postmodernism be unique? Variously defined, "postmodernism" can refer to a historical period that began in the 1950s, a style of literature, philosophy, art, and architecture. This type of literature has moved civilians by its historical events of fighting against liberal rights, women’s natural liberties, and privileges of all colored people.