Presentation 2 Web Design
Mockups We used Balsamiq as an easy solution for mockups generation The mockups represent only the general idea of the page and the final version is likely to be different
Add task window Professor task view
Project Structure View
Angular 2 and TypeScript Angular 2 is a Typescript framework available today for creating web applications. Angular 2 and Typescript are bringing true object oriented web development to the mainstream, in a syntax that is strikingly close to Java 8. Many external modules available like Kendo-UI, bootstrap for Angular 2(ng-2 bootstrap), PrimeFaces(PrimeNG) etc.
Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. We used only the CSS libraries, and created the components that required JavaScript from TypeScript. We used a custom theme which we got for free from Bootswatch.
Actual website Still under development. Live preview available anytime at
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Print Screens cont.
Print Screens cont.
Print Screens cont.