Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego San Diego Housing Federation 25th Annual Affordable Housing & Community Development Conference October 13, 2016
Panelists Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego Panelists Marcela Escobar-Eck Principal Atlantis Group Dave Gatzke Vice President - Acquisitions Community Housing Works Steve Russell Executive Director San Diego Housing Federation Brian Schoenfisch Program Manager, Long Range Planning City of San Diego’s Planning Department San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #2
#1: Set Annual Housing Production Goals Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #1: Set Annual Housing Production Goals City Council sets annual housing production goals and publishes annual scorecard tracking progress against the goal. Level of Government: Local & City Council Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Steve Russell | San Diego Housing Federation San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #3
#2: Incentivize More 80/20 Developments Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #2: Incentivize More 80/20 Developments SDHC and/or City Council incentivize 80/20 developments to produce more affordable units at lower cost, utilize unused 4% credits and lower subsidy from SDHC. Level of Government: Local, City Council & SDHC Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable Dave Gatzke | Community Housing Works San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #4
#3: Defer Development Fees Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #3: Defer Development Fees City of San Diego implements a policy that builds on existing deferral programs to defer more development fees until Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Level of Government: Local & City Council Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Brian Schoenfisch | San Diego’s Planning Department Dave Gatzke | Community Housing Works San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #5
#4: Reduce Parking Requirements Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #4: Reduce Parking Requirements City and SDHC further reduce parking requirements by amending the City’s Land Development Code to include maximums rather than minimums. Level of Government: Local, City Council & SDHC Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Marcela Escobar-Eck | Atlantis Group Brian Schoenfisch | San Diego’s Planning Department San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #6
#5: Reduce Commercial Space Requirements Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #5: Reduce Commercial Space Requirements City and SDHC reduce ground floor commercial space requirements by amending the City’s Land Development Code. Level of Government: Local, City Council & SDHC Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Brian Schoenfisch | San Diego’s Planning Department San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #7
#6: Unlock Land & Increase Ground Leases Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #6: Unlock Land & Increase Ground Leases SDHC, City and local agencies inventory land, increase ground leases of land to affordable housing developers at below market rates or at nominal cost and make regulatory changes to unlock land for market rate housing. Level of Government: Local, City Council & SDHC Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable Steve Russell | San Diego Housing Federation San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #8
#7: Shorten Entitlement Process Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #7: Shorten Entitlement Process Mayor directs development services to streamline entitlement process, including implementing conceptual review and online processing of approvals. Level of Government: Local & City Council Timeline: Short-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Marcela Escobar-Eck | Atlantis Group Brian Schoenfisch | San Diego’s Planning Department San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #9
#8: Approve Community Plans with Master EIRs Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #8: Approve Community Plans with Master EIRs City Council expedites Community Plan Updates and requires completion of Master EIRs as part of process. Level of Government: Local & City Council Timeline: Long-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Marcela Escobar-Eck | Atlantis Group Brian Schoenfisch | San Diego’s Planning Department San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #10
#9: Support CEQA Reform Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #9: Support CEQA Reform State legislation to streamline California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for Infill Projects. City Council action to amend local CEQA thresholds. Level of Government: State & Local Timeline: Medium-Term Scope: Affordable & Market Marcela Escobar-Eck | Atlantis Group Dave Gatzke | Community Housing Works San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #11
#10: Align State Oversight Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #10: Align State Oversight Ad hoc committee issues recommendations to align the five state housing oversight agencies and policy processes. Level of Government: State & Governor/Treasurer Timeline: Medium-Term Scope: Affordable Steve Russell | San Diego Housing Federation San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #12
#11: Increase State & Federal Resources Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis: An Action Plan for San Diego #11: Increase State & Federal Resources Fair Share of Continuum of Care: Recommend a formula change to ensure San Diego gets fair share of homelessness funds. Expand LIHTC to support development and preservation of affordable housing. Increase Federal Rental Assistance for affordable housing. Enact Moving to Work Authority to support people transitioning back to employment. Level of Government: State, Federal, Congress & HUD Timeline: Medium-Term Scope: Affordable Dave Gatzke | Community Housing Works Steve Russell | San Diego Housing Federation San Diego Housing Commission | Slide #13