In Ancient Egyptian Society The Pharaoh In Ancient Egyptian Society
Social Hierarchy The position of Pharaoh was the most important role in Ancient Egyptian Society. To rule effectively, he needed the support of: The vizier (acted like a prime minister) Nomarchs (governors of the different regions or nomes) Officials to maintain law and order Priests supervised religious practices throughout Egypt. The leader of the army was often the Pharaoh or his son. Scribes were one of the most important people in Ancient Egypt. Involved in all levels of government, religion and the army.
The Pharaoh (‘great house’) According to legend, Menes (or Narmer) was the first king to unite Upper and Lower Egypt about 5000 years ago People called him “lord of the two lands” Overtime, the pharaoh came to wear a double crown Combined the red crown of Lower Egypt with the white crown of Upper Egypt
The Pharaoh (‘great house’) They ruled Egypt for over 3000 years Usually a woman only ruled if she was a close relative of the previous pharaoh and the heir was too young to rule Hatshepsut was one of the few female pharaohs
The Pharaoh’s Power People referred to the ruler as pharaoh because it was disrespectful to call him by his name He decided what was law His people believed he made laws for the entire universe He was the main landowner Demanded heavy taxes in the form of goods He was viewed as a god, a protector and the leader in battle He was descended from Re, the sun god, and the spirit of Horus lived within him
The Pharaoh's Power The people expected that he would make sure that: The Nile flooded each year People had enough to eat The gods looked kindly on Egypt Egypt’s army could defend against foreign enemies Truth or ma’at was at the heart of Egyptian life
Ma’at Represented justice, order, truth and balance Ideas at the heart of Egyptian society Brought by the gods Must be upheld for the society to survive Represented as a goddess or as a single ostrich feather If you didn’t live according to ma’at, you would suffer ill fortune in both this life and in the afterlife
Rights In theory, every free person could expect to be treated equally The law gave both men and women legal status and economic rights Purchase and sell land Make contracts Participate in court cases Divorce their partners Slaves also had rights unlike in other ancient societies Ma’at required that they be well treated and that their children were born ‘free’
The Pharaoh’s Wives Pharaoh’s began marrying in their childhood They usually had many wives Including their sisters, half-sisters and other female relatives This encouraged the loyalty and support of family members Kept property and wealth within the family (passed from mother to daughter) Kept the blood line pure Was what the gods did
Activity Crown the King activity