Implementation Check In
ACL Review #16-58: July 11, 2016—Resource Family Approval (RFA) Program—Clarifying Instructions for Statewide Implementation #16-52: July 14, 2016 Foster parent recruitment, retention, and support (FPRRS) funding opportunity # I-52-16E: August 16, 2016 Therapeutic foster care (TFC) service model and continuum of care reform (CCR) # 16-65: August 19, 2016—Assembly Bill (AB) 403 Group Home Extension request to continue placements and current rate classification level (RCL) rate # 16-72: September 7, 2016—Reimbursement process for Accreditation Fees # 16-79: September 22, 2016—Information about the Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) Home-Based Family Care (HBFC) and Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) rates structure and conversion process from the old rate structure to the new rate structure # 16-84: October 7, 2016—Requirements and guidelines for creating and providing a child and family team #16/17-22: October 11, 2016-- Child and Family Team claiming instructions
Questions for the State?
Our Next Steps Provider list--who will send letters? Develop Regional Program Support Letter Template Develop Cross County Service Provision Agreements
Develop Priority List—who will send which letters? Look at data Need only for STRTPs & GH that want to become STRTPs Existing FFAs need to update their program statement and do need to give counties an option to review but do not need letters of support. Any newly licensed providers will need a letter of support from a county placing agency. Who will send letters on behalf of region?
Develop Regional Program Support Letter Template Contact Information Counties Served Core Services—aligned with CCR Evidence Informed Practices—aligned with CCR Staff Training array, deliverables type and number—aligned with CCR Agrees to work within the Bay region cross county protocols
Develop Cross County Service Provision Agreements Brainstorm: What agreements do we need to make to develop cross county service provisions? Groupwork: By topic identified in Brainstorm Need group process/structure here County of origin; receiving county Scenario #1—a child in your county is placed in a resource family home and does not require specialty MH services but requires B, C, D core services Case management Who will pay for MH services Who will provide services Who will pay for services Transportation? Scenario #1a—a child requires all core services Scenario #2—STRTP placement Who will pay for services?
Provider meeting? What is our ask? Who do we want to come? How will we know we have been successful?
Next meeting? Next one on calendar is November 18th—need location Workgroup in between?