Japan’s Contribution to GFF GFF Third Investors Group Meeting 24 June 2016 Ikuo Takizawa, Deputy Director General, Human Development Department, JICA
Japan’s Cooperation in Health Sector Basic Design for Peace and Health (MOFA Japan, September 2015) Strengthen Health Systems to attain Health Human Security Promote Universal Health Coverage (UHC) throughout lifecycle MCH is one of the prioritized health issues (MCH as entry point for UHC) JICA’s Key Priorities Health System Strengthening Maternal and Child Health and Infectious Diseases Control, with focus on horizontal dimensions
Japan’s Contribution to GFF <Global level> -Active member of Investors Group -GFF mentioned in the ”G7 Ise-Shima Vision for Global Health” <Country level> Kenya: -Health Sector Policy Loan (JPY 4B/ USD 36M) to achieve UHC -UHC Advisor to support MOH in develop health financing strategy / Technical cooperation in capacity building of county governments Bangladesh: -Concessional ODA loan (JPY17.5B / USD 158M) to improve MCH and strengthen health systems, aligning to country’s HPNSDP 2011-2016 -Technical cooperation in MCH Senegal: -Development Policy Loan for UHC under preparation