Art Majors and HCC students: Why get your Associates Degree before you transfer to a 4 year university for your Bachelors Degree? Get a better chance at acceptance into university programs. Get more transfer scholarship money. Get more security in transferring courses. (overriding rogue department chairs) It takes two years. That’s the same time most transferors spend here. Get a sense of completion and closure. If you have a life change before you finish your bachelor’s degree, you’ll still have your A.A. degree. Enable yourself more choices of university programs. When you complete your Bachelor’s degree, you’ll have two degrees in the same time! See a counselor as soon as possible and get a correct degree plan for your major! If you plan on earning a B.F.A. degree (that’s what art majors get), you should get an “Associate of Arts in Studio Art - AA” Degree plan here at HCC! Other majors? Check out the degree plans in the HCC Catalog and/or seek advising from faculty and counselors.