Theme Literary Analysis 1. Choose a theme: Love enhances the meaning to life. War causes pain. Imperfection must exist. Family makes you whole. Choices create individuals. Change requires courage. 2. Thesis statement (fill in the blanks): In The Giver, Lois Lowry reveals that ________________(theme from above )________________through _________________________, ___________________________, and ________________________________.
3. Add support: In The Giver, Lois Lowry reveals that __________(theme)____________ through ______(1)_______, _____(2)______, AND _____(3)______. Evidence from the text to use as support: author description event characters’ actions dialogue (words spoken by characters)
Thesis A concise, well worded 3 prong thesis is present. An identifiable 3 prong thesis is present. Thesis is questionable or incomplete. Thesis is missing or unidentifiable. Quote Sandwich Three effective and efficient quotes are introduced and analyzed to support the theme. At least two quotes are introduced and analyzed to support the theme. Only one quote is used and/or analysis and relevance is questionable Quotes are missing. Symbolism A clear and sophisticated understanding of the use and purpose of symbolism is evident An understanding of symbolism is evident. An attempt to identify symbolism has been made There is no mention of symbolism