Sin can’t win & faith can’t fail Judges 4-5
Background to judges Spans about 350 years – From Joshua’s death until Saul became king of Israel Repeating cycle of Rebellion, Retribution, Repentance, and Restoration God is a God of mercy – True Repentance brings Forgiveness; not Judgment
The woman god chose God chose Deborah the prophetess to help deliver Israel Women prophets in the Bible: Miriam, Huldah, Anna, Philip’s 4 daughters Thank God for the ministry of Godly women
The warrior god called Barak was a man of faith (Heb. 11:32-33) The “Origin of His Faith” – The Word of God The “Object of His Faith” – The Lord, The God of Israel The “Operation of His Faith” – Hearing from God, Trusting in God, and Obeying God
The wonder god caused God sent a terrible storm that caused a mudslide and flooded the battlefield (v.4-5) “The stars fought against Sisera” (v.20) – The whole universe is against the man who is against God All things work together for good to those who love God, and all things work together for bad to those who don’t