Status of the implementation of SES in Norway


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Presentation transcript:

Status of the implementation of SES in Norway Status of the implementation of SES in Norway. What is needed to become up-to-date and how to include all the stakeholders? First I would like express that I really appreciate to be here today. My plan is to give you a brief status of the implementation of the SES legislation in Norway. On the last part I hope to get some input from all of you, regarding involvement of the stakeholders

CAA Norway – short facts (cont.) CAA Norway is an independent administrative authority under the Ministry of Transport – responsible competent authority and regulator in the field of civil aviation. Main task of CAA Norway is to contribute to a high level of aviation safety and security. CAA Norway participates together with MoT in International bodies such as the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). Before we move into the «SES regime» I would like to give you some short facts about CAA Norway. Recently re-organized, 185 employees, and located in Bodø

CAA Norway – core tasks Proof of initial compliance. Oversight functions. Rulemaking. Communications /stakeholder involvement.

Status of the implementation of SES in Norway When I started to prepare this presentation I was wondering how to make this presentation really interesting. I did not try to Google this theme, but I went to one of our legal experts to ask if she had any suggestions for me? I seemed that she really did not understand my question, because she replied: Rules and regulation is always interesing, I could talk for hours about this item. So I’ll do my very best….

Regarding SES legislation, I have to show you these slides, which illustrates the amount of EU regulation and implementing rules in the ATM/ANS & Aerodrome domain. My intentionally plan was to take you through all of these in my presentation, in detail, but to be honest, I would probably have been alone in this room after a short while….. A few year ago this overview could be shown on one page. But now more Reg/IR have been added, and this grapich overview shows how the regulations/IR are tied together.

Again, these 3 slides illustrates the amount of regulation and the complexity of these. I am not sure of the exact amount for the ANS/ATM domain, but there are at least over 40 different regulations and implementing rules. So, again, it is a quite complex regulatory landscape.

Norway and EU Norway is not a member of the EU Norway is associated to EU based on the EEA-agreement Norway has to incorporate all EU-regulations and directives into national law which the Joint Committee (EU and EFTA) decides should be a part of the EEA-agreement As all of you prabably are aware of, NO is not a member of EU. But related to the aviation sector, we are more or less acting as an EU member state. Norway is associated to EU based on the EEA-agreement, and incorporate into national law, the EU-regulations and directives which the Joint Committee (EU and EFTA) decides should be a part of the EEA-agreement.

EU Regulation Binding Non binding EEA Agrement/ EU Basic Regulation Member States EEA Agrement/ EU Basic Regulation 216/2008 art. 8b, att. Vb Implementing rules – ATM/ANS Certifications Specification AMC GM Council and Parliament Binding Commision EASA This slide illustrates how the EU Regulation hiercharki. On top we have the EEA/EU Agreement, next level is the BR, followed by the IR. These are the binding part, the AMC and GM are non-binding. Non binding

EEA process Joint Committee agree if Regulation/IR should be a part of the EEA-agreement Implementation into national regulation (EEA process) are normally started after EU Regulation is published in the OJ Due to EEA process there could be some implementation delays. Important to start EEA implementation process after the EU decission (Implementation process in Norway in line with EU implementation) Joint Committee agree if Regulation/IR should be a part of the EEA-agreement, and normally they do. The Implementation into national regulation (EEA process) are normally started after EU Regulation is published in the OJ Due to EEA process there could be some implementation delays. For Norway it is important to start EEA implementation process after the EU decision. For those regulations that have a transition or opt-out period, the implementation process in Norway could be in line with EU implementation

Status Norway are (almost) up-to-date regarding SES regulations Some previous delays…. SES II package Impl 2014 73/2010 ADQ Implementation delay mainly due to complexity 2015/340 - ATCO licences and certificates Implemented by Jan 2017 Norway are up-to-date regarding SES regulations. I have put up almost in brackets, since there are some deviation, I will soon come to that. Regarding delays, due to different reasons some of the implementation processes have been delayed in Norway, compared to EU member states. IE: SES II package, Impl 2014 – all EEA states has to agree, this took a while. 73/2010 ADQ, Impl 2016, Implementation delay mainly due to complexity 2015/340 - ATCO licences and certificates - Implemented by Jan 2017, more or less in line with rest of EU MS.

What is needed to become up-to-date?

ATM/ANS Regulations development & Regulation (EU) 2017/373 ED Decision 2017/001/R  Parts - OR/AR, Part-MET, Part-DAT, Part-PERS (ATSEP) Service providers & oversight NPA 2016-02 issued 28.04.2016 Consultation closed end Sept’2016 AIS/AIM NPA 2016-13 issued 25.0102016 (extended) Consultation till end March’17 ASD NPA 2016-09 issued 14.09.2016 (extended) Consultation closed end Feb’17 ATS Regulation (EU) 2015/340 ED Decisions 2015/010/R & 2015/014/R ATCO Licencing ED Decision 2015/014/R on GM Remote TWR Regulation(EU) No 923/2012 as amended by Regulation (EU) 2016/1185 ED Decisions 2013/013/R & 2016/023/R SERA EASA Report issued HETA ED Decision 2014/035/R ED Decision 2015/028/R ATM Safety KPIs – AMC/GM Opinion 10/2016 on 2.08.2016 CRD/ED Decision on AMC/GM pending adoption of the IR PBN implementation ToR issued NPA Q2/2017 SPI2 Regulation This slide illustrates the ATM/ANS regulations development. Comment on the RMT, NPA consultation process, NO involvement © EASA 2017

Annex III Part-ATM/ ANS.OR 1 June 2017 CIR (EU) 2017/373 Cover Regulation Annex I Definitions Annex II Part-ATM/ANS.AR Annex III Part-ATM/ ANS.OR Annex IV Part-ATS Annex V Part-MET Annex VI Part-AIS Annex VII Part-DAT Annex VIII Part-CNS Annex IX Part-ATFM Annex X Part-ASM Annex XI Part-ASD Annex XII Part-NM Annex XIII Part-PERS Part-AR: Authority requirements Part-OR: Organisation requirements Part-ATS: Air Traffic Services Part-MET: Meteorological services Part-AIS: Aeronautical Information Services Part-DAT: Data providers Part-CNS: Communication, Navigation, Surveillance Part-ATFM: Air Traffic Flow Management Part-ASM: Airspace Management Part-ASD: Airspace Design Part-NM: Network Manager Part-PER: Personnel requirements General requirements Specific services requirements 2017/373 – Published OJ 28. March 2017 (EU) Implementation in Norway … the necessary amendment to the EEA Agreement is currently ongoing The requirements enters into force by 2. January 2020 (with some excemtions) The Technical requirements are more or less transposition of ICAO SARPs The means of compliance and guidance material are to faciliate compliance – for service providers and Authorities Even if there are around 2,5 years till the regulation enters into force, there is quite a lot of preparatory work to do, boht for the ANSPs and the Authorities. WS 'Update on EU Legislation', IANS

Involvement of stakeholders Military involvement Consultation process Meeting with relevant stakeholders Pre-meetings Single Sky Committee/EASA Committee What kind of involvement do you want? Military involvement through liasson officer within the CAA, through Coordinating forum There will always be a public consultation process, here all stakeholders have the opportunity to comment on the regulations, but it is normally not possible to change the regulation itself, but it could either be comments on the implementation regulation, og other areas that are commented. CAA do also arrange various meetings with stakeholders, either during the consultation period, or after consultation period is ended. It is also important that the consultation letter are as detailed as possible, to raise attention for the stakeholders. SSC/EASA

Involvement of stakeholders CAA Webside:

RP3 timelines 2017: Study on FABs results (Feb.17) SES initiative Final Report for COM (Jul.17) RP3 inputs (Jan-Dec.) Study on incentives (Feb.17 – Jul.17) Stakeholder consultation & workshop (Apr.17 –Jun.17) Evaluation of options - Impact Assesment (May.17 –Mar.18) Legislative proposals Regulations revision - SSC discussions (Oct.17-Dec.17) Stakeholder involvement (Oct.17-Dec.17) SSC Vote on Regulations (Mar.18) Regulations: Adoption (Jun.18) As the last part of my presentation I will raise attention and inform you about the RP3 preparation, which just have started. NSA NCP WG Perf.

RP3 timelines 2018: RP3 targets Option 1: Decision on RP3 targets - top-down (Mar.18 - Jun.18) Option 2: Decision on RP3 targets - bottom-up (Sep.18 - Dec.18) RP3 Performance Plan ANSP/NSA/MS/FAB work on PP (Jun.18 - Jun.19) Performance plan submission (Jun.19)
