10 ideas about the future of science that I find exciting!!


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10 ideas about the future of science that I find exciting!! C. Titus Brown School of Veterinary Medicine; Genome Center & Data Science Initiative UC Davis @ctitusbrown #futurepaper Jan 9, 2017

My real biography: C. Titus Brown is a techno-wonk and professor at UC Davis in the School of Veterinary Medicine. He inhabits the shadowy world at the intersection of biology, software engineering, data science, computer science and #datalibs. He is fully buzzword compliant. http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/ @ctitusbrown on Twitter

Visions of the Scientific Paper of the Future The social media perspective.

Visions of the Scientific Paper of the Future The social media perspective.

Visions of the Scientific Paper of the Future The social media perspective.

Visions of the Scientific Paper of the Future

Workshop: 2016-oslo-repeatability.readthedocs.io/

10 ideas (or discussions) about the future of science that I find exciting!!

The wonderful ongoing discussion around significance and reproducibility. Dorothy Bishop https://deevybee.blogspot.com/2016/03/there-is-reproducibility-crisis-in.html

Overlay journals. Preprints + peer review. ‘nuff said. ““The only objection to just putting things on arXiv is that it’s not peer reviewed, so why not have a community-based effort that provides a peer-review service for the arXiv?" [Peter Coles] says — pointing out that academics already carry out peer review for scientific publishers, usually at no cost.” http://www.nature.com/news/open-journals-that-piggyback-on-arxiv-gather-momentum-1.19102 See the Journal of Open Source Software (joss.theoj.org) for an overlay journal on GitHub.

Blogging! (Social media; micro– and nano-pubs) Summary: there are many alternate "publishing" models that offer advantages over our current publishing and dissemination system. They also offer potential disadvantages, of course!

Bjorn Brembs Bjorn Brembs continuously engages with new ideas and approaches to publishing, e.g. “living figures” and detailed, ultra-open well-linked publications. “The paper was posted as a preprint prior to submission and all previous versions of the article are available as biorxiv preprints. The published research paper is open access. The raw data are available at figshare. All authors were listed with their ORCID IDs and all materials referenced with RRIDs. All methods are detailed with DOIs on protocols.io. The blog post gives the history and context of the work. ” https://www.protocols.io/groups/protocolsio/news/a-shining-example-of-science-communication

Open peer review by a selected papers network. Lee, 2012: https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2012.00001

Open source methodologies => open science “Asking about reproducibility by the time a manuscript is ready for submission to a journal is too late.” – Millman and Perez, 2014. Imagine if, as an experimentalist, you said: “OK, I got my result! Now let’s go back and figure out what we did.” This is pretty much how we treat computation in science, though…

Computational narratives as the engine of collaborative data science. “the core problem we are trying to solve is the collaborative creation of reproducible computational narratives that can be used across a wide range of audiences and contexts.” Perez and Granger, 2015. The Project Jupyter funding proposal lays out a future that I want to see - e.g. “Google Docs” but with computational narratives!

Binder: execution environment + notebook LIGO notebook from https://github.com/minrk/ligo-binder/

Ideas futures, or prediction markets

Open access, specifically. Our failure to have and use good mechanisms of data publication is basically killing people. (Virus outbreaks, rare diseases, precision medicine…) Maybe we should fix that? http://www.nature.com/news/data-sharing-make-outbreak-research-open-access-1.16966 http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/07/21/one-of-a-kind-2

#futurepaper blog posts at ivory.idyll.org/blog/ “Top 10 reasons blog posts are better than papers.” “Data implies software.” “Topics and concepts I’m excited about.” (this talk) (Soon) “The talk I planned to give at Caltech but then decided not to.”

Please contact me at ctbrown@ucdavis.edu! Thanks for listening! Please contact me at ctbrown@ucdavis.edu!