Peer evaluation as an active learning technique Student : Hsiao-Wei Cheng Dr. Pi-Ying Teresa Hsu Date : April 20, 2009 1
Reese-Durham, N.,(2005). Peer evaluation as an active learning technique. Journal of Instructional Psychology. 32 (4), 338-345. 2
Content I. Introduction II. Methodology III. Findings III. Conclusion Reflection IV. 3
Introduction Evaluation can be use to provide constructive criticism and suggestions to improve weak areas and amplify strengths. Boyd,1989
formative summative changing processes as they are happening judging the quality of the outcome 5
Research questions 1. To what extent is peer feedback meaningful and effective 2. What lessons do the peer evaluators learn from the activity 3. To what extent does the peer evaluation process result in better research papers for student researchers and peer evaluators? 6
at conducting research Methodology 19 graduate students to rate their skills at conducting research 7
forms classmates research paper 9
Compose Questionnaire a paragraph Student researcher ( 5-point likert scal ) 11
Findings Students researcher 12
Peer evaluator 13
Reflection better control group previous classes 14
Thanks for your attention! 15