Student: Joyce Chen Advisor: Kate Chen ID 9822611 College students’ English learning motivation and their English learning behaviors Student: Joyce Chen Advisor: Kate Chen ID 9822611
Content Introduction Literature Review Methodology
Introduction Background Statement of problem Purpose of the study Research Question
Background English proficiency become a main condition when finding a job .
Background Many college students are asked for passing some English tests like TOEIC or GEPT when graduating.
Statement of problem Quite a number of researchers in Taiwan study the relationship between learning motivation and learning strategies. However, there is very limited study on the learning behaviors.
Purpose of the study to examine the college students’ English learning motivation and their learning behaviors both inside and outside the classroom as well as the relationship between their English learning motivation and behaviors
Research Question What is the relationship between English learning motivation and learning behaviors for college students? Are there any different English learning behaviors in English-major and non-English –major college students?
Literature Review Crookes and Schmidt (1991) suggested that L2 motivation has internal and external features, including interest, relevance, expectancy, outcomes for internal factors, and the decision to choose, persists and maintain external characteristics.
Literature Review Oxford(1990b)stated, learning strategies have been defined as behaviors, steps, operations, or techniques employed by learners to facilitate the acquisition storage, retrieval, and use of information.
Methodology Participants College students –English- major and non-English- major in Taiwan.
Methodology Method Quantitative research -Questionnaire Instrument SPSS 17 AMTB (Attitude/Motivation Test Battery) SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning)
Methodology Procedures Pilot study →Formal study →Formal Questionnaire →Data analysis
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