Problems and solutions Teaching Load at BMCC Problems and solutions
Teaching load at Bmcc The facts Faculty spend more time in the classroom than at other CUNY community colleges Faculty opinion solutions
The facts
The facts
The facts
Teaching load at Bmcc The facts Faculty spend more time in the classroom than at other CUNY community colleges Faculty opinion Our faculty is especially displeased with our teaching load, and especially eager for more support for scholarly work solutions
faculty opinion
faculty opinion
Teaching load at Bmcc The facts Faculty spend more time in the classroom than at other CUNY community colleges Faculty opinion Our faculty is especially discontent with our teaching load, and especially eager for more support for scholarly work solutions There are college-level policy options that are financially realistic
Solutions Policy Teaching load is contractually determined system-wide, but colleges have leeway to design reassigned time policies. More reassigned time for admin work Reassigned time for professional and curriculum development Remove restrictions on using research grants for reassigned time (e.g. Faculty Development Grant) Grant predictable annual reassigned time to all faculty who meet a clear set of criteria. Significantly research active and/or Major service assignments No longer eligible for junior-faculty reassigned time
Solutions Paying for Reassigned Time BMCC does have budget flexibility High reserve budget Potential for auxiliary and philanthropic revenues Strong enrollment Indirect funds from external grants
Solutions Paying for Reassigned Time If BMCC spending matched other CUNY CC’s, we could fund 3 contact hours of reassigned time for every full-time faculty member.* *Assumes reassigned hours would be covered by hiring full-time replacements (Performance Management Report 2009-2014)
Solutions Paying for Reassigned Time If BMCC closed one-quarter of the gap between its spending and the CUNY CC average, this would fund 3 contact hours of reassigned time per year for every full time faculty member. * *Assumes reassigned hours would be covered by hiring full-time replacements (Performance Management Report 2009-2014)
More data on rt and research COACHE Taskforce Report on Support for Research
strategies What do we call this campaign? What do we emphasize? How do we frame it as time to do what we are already doing well, rather than a reduction in work? What do we emphasize? We need time not only to do research, but also to be thoughtful and innovative teachers, advisors, and administrators. How do we convince BMCC that this is necessary (and that it has a direct impact on students)?