Odyssey Book 14
Eumaeus The whole of book 14 takes place in the company of Eumaeus a swineherd. What type of person is Eumaeus? Which themes does Eumaeus introduce (that will be continued for the rest of the poem)? How do these ideals contrast with those we have seen in the first 12 books?
Odysseus arrives home and first encounters his servant and swineherd, Eumaeus. Eumaeus’ dogs almost attack Odysseus but he calls them off. Eumaeus does not recognise Odysseus as he is still in disguise. Eumaeus invites Odysseus into his house and offers him hospitality.
Eumaeus What sort of person is Eumaeus? What is his status? How is Eumaeus characterised from his treatment of Odysseus? Why does Homer make Eumaeus the first Ithacan that Odysseus meets?
Read Eumaeus’ speech 55-160 TASK Make a list of the topics/ themes that Eumaeus’ speech covers
Why does Odysseus not reveal himself after he has heard Eumaeus speak? Eumaeus speaks Eumaeus talks about xenia Eumaeus talks about his master Eumaeus talks about the suitors Eumaeus talks about Penelope Eumeaus talks about Odysseus’ fate Why does Odysseus not reveal himself after he has heard Eumaeus speak?
Odysseus prophesises the return of Eumaeus’ master Odysseus Speaks (200- Odysseus prophesises the return of Eumaeus’ master Odysseus invents a story: He comes from Crete and, although initially of humble origins, won renown for his courage in battle He had a passion for sailing and often won plunder After Troy, he sailed to Egypt. During a conflict with the Egyptians he abandoned his men and stayed with the Egyptians for 7 years
Odysseus invents a story: Tricked by an Phoenician he stayed in Phoenicia for a year Zeus wrecked Odysseus ship but he drifted, clinging to the mast, for nine days He arrived at Thesprotia where he was rescued by a prince and taken to the palace In Thesprotia, he heard news of Odysseus; that he was returning home with a lot of treasure Some treacherous Thesprotians tried sell him (rather than take him on) but he managed to escape and arrive in Ithaca
Odysseus’ Story What parts of Odysseus’ story are based on the truth? What clues are there for the reader about the ‘truth’ of Odysseus’ experiences? How does Odysseus tell his story? How does he make it convincing? Why does Odysseus choose to tell such a complicated lie?
Oddyseus’ Glory How does Eumaeus react to the news of Odysseus’ potential return? (360 ff.) What theme does Eumaeus’ reaction highlight? Eumaeus says that travellers have come previously with news of Odysseus’ return but that they are always disappointed.
Odysseus meets his match Odysseus asks Eumaeus to accept his word and, if he is found to be false, throw him from the cliffs. Eumaeus explains that he could never kill a guest so he will not accept Odysseus’ wager. How does this passage characterise Odysseus? How does this passage characterise Eumaeus?
Sacrifice (413-438) What are the stages of an ancient Greek sacrifice? How does Eumaeus honour Odysseus with this sacrifice? How is Eumaeus characterised in this passage?
Odysseus’ test (456-520) What story does Odysseus tell Eumaeus and the other shepherds? Why does Odysseus tell this story? What do we learn about Odysseus (the real and the one in the story) from this passage? Does Eumeaus understand the point of the story? How does he respond? How does this passage characterise Eumaeus?
Main Themes of Book 14 ?
Task 1 (30 mins) Re-read book 14 of The Odyssey. Identify and record all the times that Eumaeus mentions his master. In a short paragraph, explain how these comments characterise Eumaeus. Analyse the significance of Eumaeus and book 14 in light of any books that you have read.