Notes In your notes, please copy everything in RED. Just pay attention to everything else.
Why paragraphs? They help the reader keep the pace of the story. Helps to break the story up and allow the reader time to process the information in chunks.
Example Footsteps! Someone was coming! I couldn’t hide my fear any longer. As quietly as I could, I shut the cabinet and looked for somewhere to hide. I stood against the wall and held my breath in fear that I would be seen. I felt a sneeze coming on. I tried to hold it in, but couldn’t!
What do they look like? Always indent a new paragraph. Space that word over…about the length of a word. You don’t need to skip a line. When typing: hit TAB key.
Start a New Topic Mainly for essay When you move on to next topic or idea, start a new paragraph.
Skip to a New Time Writing a story Transitional words Later that day, Five hours later, The next day,
New Place Story When the characters go to a different place, begin a new paragraph.
New Speaker Dialogue in story When a new person starts talking, begin a new paragraph.