C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa BigDAPHNE … take 2 November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
News since last meeting - Stefania & Chiara Phone meeting with National Contact D’Agostino, discussion of the evaluation and suggestions Contact with SAS – C.Gianfiore SAS Academic Program Manager Meeting with INDIGO-Data Cloud, CMCC people (this morning) November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa NCP – D’Agostino General positive feedback – he thinks that in the evaluation report there are not strong objections Suggestions to improve the project: add a table with the list of institutions and list of needed expertise and show who has which expertise describe also in document 1 the thesis that we have supervised and mention if we have students that have won prizes or that have found very good jobs documentary check if we have described in the correct way what we wanted to do, he thinks the idea is good Improve the description of the impact on the career: have two sections short term impact on long term impact: . short term: profit of the Marie Curie fellow to learn … . . long term: they will be able to submit ERC … He is available to read the new version of the document to give feedback beginning of December the document should be ready for review. November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa SAS the project is of their interest I offered them to participate to the organization of the ex-SoBigData school she will send me in the next days possible content of the school they give certificate for the courses that they organiza Need to check budget… November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
INDIGO-Data Cloud & CMCC INDIGO-Data Cloud EU funded project they offer infrastructure for scientific calculus Within INDIGO-DataCloud they have developed a package for Data analytics (OPHIDIA) used for various scientific applications (cosmology, climate…) CMCC: is an istitution for climate studies They seem very expert in the techinical part of our proposal … what we were looking for What could be their role ? November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa INDIGO-DC & CMCC Internship on climates studies (2) Training: Ophidia together with SAS in the first school that would become: Large introduction on BigData: what it means, which are the important aspects in various areas, the tools, … Two applications: SAS and Ophidia Series of seminar via web: they have a framework for interactive courses Help in revision of the project for the technical aspects November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa From last meeting @All please send feedback by Wednesday about the proposal of substituting SW Carpentry with the school at pg7 this school would become the “Esablishing the ground school” No comments then we substitute this school with INFN Bertinoro (more on this later) @All please reads the physics description part on the proposal next week I want to define a strategy to improve this part discussion today November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Experiments ATLAS Euclid Saclay ok, Lecce ok, UCL ok Virgo Pisa ok, Auth ok status of contacts with other partners ? November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
In DP directories for Letter of Commitment and projects Who Title Description Letter Net7 Textual and geographical Data Analytics on information produced by business projects x Vodafone 1 Contact Vodafone 2 CMCC 1 Meteo CMCC 2 UNICREDIT Thales 1 Thales 2 In DP directories for Letter of Commitment and projects November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa More on secondments Stefania: contact with Unicredit willing to go on Nikos: NCC, TfL in contact ok; Semblent not responsive Rosy: contact with Bernardo needs to give information; also will start to search for other companies Chara: searching… November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Training events November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
SAS for school non in science ? http://www.sas.com/it_it/home.htm l November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa SAS academic program Certificates November 3rd 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa