2009 Dr. Richard St. Denis Glasgow University


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Presentation transcript:

On the Brink of Revelation and Revolution: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in 2008 2009 Dr. Richard St. Denis Glasgow University Royal Society of Edinburgh February 7, 2007

Outline CDF Physics Reach and Physics Reached in last year Virtual and nonvirtual Higgs detection Tevatron Higgs to WW Susy Conclusions

? Deeper Physics Reach Bc PRODUCTION CROSS SECTION Dms=17.77 ± 0.10 ± 0.07 Deeper Physics Reach PRODUCTION CROSS SECTION LQ ? 8 orders of magnitude W’, Z’, T’ Higgs ED Bc 6285.7  5.3 1.2 MeV/c2 Theory and Experiment @ Glasgow

SM Higgs Production HWW Hgg,HZZ WH,ZH,WWH VBF TTH 4 main mechanisms Gluon Fusion Dominates at Tevatron: HWW Associated Production: WH, ZH, WWH, TTH WH,ZH,WWH VBF TTH

The Two Direct Paths H to WW depends on jets, leptons (VBF too). Same at LHC, CDF. Have studied VBF and fascinating match of detectors to machines! ttH depends on jets, b-jets: tagging and mass resolution. WH,ZH depends on same: Huge synergy. Very different path. There are two natural divisions of effort: those that need silicon and those that don’t.

Virtual Measurement: Feb 06 Mh=91 +45 -32 GeV 68%CL 95% CL Mh <186 GeV Mh <219 GeV if LEP DMt 219 GeV DMw

Virtual Measurement: Feb 07 MPV = 80 GeV The probability for MH > 114.4 GeV is now 19% . MH < 156 GeV @ 95 C.L.

Projections on Virtual

The Tevatron picture is changing rapidly!

CDF Limits: Feb 2006 X 12 Jet Resolution

CDF Limits: Feb 2007 X 3.5

Already a long way from Run 1

Tevatron Lumi

In a few days CDF will have recorded 2 fb-1 2.3 fb-1 delivered 1.9 fb-1 to tape 653 pb-1 delivered in FY06, 82% to tape ~5% trigger deadtime, ~5% beam conditions, ~5% problems In a few days CDF will have recorded 2 fb-1 A major milestone !

Run 2 Luminosity Highest initial Lum store: 2.7x1032 Best week: 45 pb-1 month 165 pb-1 Could get to 7 fb-1 by Oct 09

Instantaneous Lumi Needed Current Peak Peak Lumi Feb 2006

We’ve only analyzed this much data ~ 1 fb-1 And then some… 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 By end FY09 30 mA/hr 25 mA/hr 20 mA/hr 15 mA/hr likely Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) By end FY07 We are here now We’ve only analyzed this much data ~ 1 fb-1 9/30/03 9/30/04 9/30/05 9/30/06 9/30/07 9/30/08 9/30/09

Look at HWW

HWW/VBF Production Features q q' W+ W- H0 e- m+ ne nm Missing Et High Pt Leptons Spin 0 Higgs correlates spins of leptons: e,m parallel and neutrinos also: Examine Df ll Df ll ww Z/g VBF same as WW, but with forward jets. Do analyses together. Very unique events. Not used YET! 2 forward jets, opposite in rapidity, high mass VBF: Dhe-jet about 1- 1.5

Events in 2fb-1 Mh(GeV/c2) 120 140 160 180 200 gg 28 66 82 58 32 vbf 2 Total 30 72 90 64 36 Detected 7 11 5

Integrated Luminosity (fb–1) Signal Bias Scans: L00 B0W0L0 Integrated Luminosity (fb–1) 1 2 Depletion Voltage (V) 100 20 40 60 80

Calibrate Lepton ID: s(ppaZ0)xBr(Z0al+l-) s=1.96 TeV Calibrate Lepton ID: s(ppaZ0)xBr(Z0al+l-) Worst Deviation: 1%

Event Selection(Main Cuts) Isolation M >16 GeV/c B Z WW H 2 ll E > M /4 H WW Z t H WW Dominated H WW H WW Drell-Yan Dominated H-Enhanced

Repeat with identical cuts but 1fb-1 Results: 360 pb-1 Shape Differs Repeat with identical cuts but 1fb-1

Results: 1fb-1


SUSY Two Higgs field doublets Five physical states: H0,h0,A0; H Lightest Higgs (h0) mass close to EW scale At tree level defined by mA and tanb=vu/vd A couplings to b, t enhanced by tanb For large tanb (ie. 40), h or H mass degenerate with A, similar couplings, other one is low mass (m<135 GeV/c2)

Blind Anlaysis: Look at mttvis Att Mode Fraction(%) Comment tete 3 Large DY Bkg tmtm tetm 6 Low Jet bkg tethad 23 Golden tmthad thadthad 51 Jet Bkg Blind Anlaysis: Look at mttvis

2007 Scenario from Feb 2006 2008 ATLAS 2007: Pilot Run, Z,W calib? 200pb-1 ATLAS 2008: Physics, 1fb-1 CDF 2007: 4fb-1 : HWW 4x3: at SM limit in the 140-170 range. TOP and W Mass improved as well, so SM fit limits narrower. Deviations building from expected limit: we focus on this range for ATLAS 2009. Perhaps SM fit narrowing on this range. Higgs is 130-150 OR 170-185. Perhaps SM Fit excludes upper range. CDF 2009: 3s at 120: ATLAS 2011? For discovery. CDF Keeps running!? ATLAS 2010: 10fb-1 : Discover it for > 130. 2009 2008


Summary These are remarkable times. Rapid changes in data collected leading to exciting results. How to pull it together? Plots to watch were earmarked last year: Mtop/Mw, Higgs sensitivity. Mtop,Mw improvements give new mh What is going on with WW? Just stats? D0 doesn’t see it. But Edinburgh/Glasgow theorists compute these things… The Higgs mass drops and a 2s effect appears for the A which demands an associated mh in SUGRA/MSSM. Double Lumi on tape (4x with 2 experiments)


ATLAS Channels W,Z we know! Deliberately Ignore gg Should we MH(GeV) 5 W,Z we know! Deliberately Ignore gg Should we invest in this?

Mt, Mw projections

Mtop Projection

Mw Projection

Acceptance(mH = 160 GeV) Cut Efficiency % Mll > 16 GeV Jet Veto 2 Isolated leptons (20, 10 GeV) 9.2 ± 0.02 Mll > 16 GeV 96.1 0.04 Jet Veto 86.9 0.07 Opposite Sign 98.6 0.03 ETmiss > 50 MH/4 79.7 0.09 ETmiss > 50 GeV or ∆fTl/j >20o 98.8 Mll (1/2 x mH - 5) GeV 97.0 PT1 + PT2 + ETmiss < mH 0.05 Jet |h| < 2.5, 0-Jet or 15 < ETJet1 < 55 GeV or 15 < ETJet2< 40 GeV Muons |h| < 1.0, Electrons |h| < 2.0

Background and Signal MH = 160 WW 25.4 8 WZ 0.94 ZZ 0.38 Sum WW 26.7 4 ± 3.17 tt 1.20 Wg 3.54 Drell-Yan 2.78 fakes 1.71 SumNonWW 9.23 1.07 Total BG 35.9 7 3.35 HWW 2.24 0.31 Data 49

Improvements to Analysis: Associated Production Channels

CDF Channels NOW Ntupled 1fb-1 WH(lnbb) Before Selection! (e2-7%) Total ZH(nnbb) ZH(llbb) gg-WW WH-WWW Used WW correction For VBF VBF

Study Characteristics at Tev and LHC for 160 ^ q q' W+ W- H0 e- m+ ne nm

Pt, Rapidity of Leptons, Jets Tev, MH=160 Pt, Rapidity of Leptons, Jets Pt Quark can be low Reasonably Triggerable Electron In CDF Quark Forward

Pt, Rapidity of Leptons, Jets LHC, MH=160 Pt, Rapidity of Leptons, Jets Pt Quark can be low Reasonably Triggerable Electron In CDF: wider distn At LHC Quark more Forward

Rapidity of two quarks Max h of 2 quarks Min h of 2 quarks Dh of 2 Tev, MH=160 Rapidity of two quarks Max h of 2 quarks Min h of 2 quarks Dh of 2 quarks

Rapidity of two quarks Max h of 2 Quarks Min h wider – wider Dh of 2 LHC, MH=160 Rapidity of two quarks Max h of 2 Quarks wider Min h – wider Dh of 2 Quarks wider

Missing Energy 60 GeV Met Met vs Pte Met 180o from e Quark can Tev, MH=160 Missing Energy 60 GeV Met Met vs Pte Met 180o from e Quark can be along Met

LHC, MH=160 Missing Energy A bit larger at LHC

Lepton Correlations:e-ne Tev, MH=160 Lepton Correlations:e-ne Df (e,ne) e,neanticorrelated in f

Lepton Correlations:e-ne LHC, MH=160 Lepton Correlations:e-ne Df (e,ne) e,ne anticorrelated less sharply in f

Lepton Correlations: e-m Tev, MH=160 Lepton Correlations: e-m e,m correlated in y,phi and have high pt DR

LHC, MH=160 Lepton Correlations e,m better correlated

Masses Mt for e m n Large Invariant Mass between leptons Tev, MH=160 Mt for e m n Large Invariant Mass between leptons High Invariant Mass between quarks

Masses Mt for e m n Larger Invariant Mass between leptons LHC, MH=160 Mt for e m n Larger Invariant Mass between leptons Higher Invariant Mass between quarks

Electron-Jet Separation Tev, MH=160 Electron-Jet Separation

Electron-Jet Separation LHC, MH=160 Electron-Jet Separation Same l-j separation