Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Senese
Boys & Girls Don’t Touch This! Puberty STD’s 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
The sac that contains the testes. Scrotum The sac that contains the testes. Row 1, Col 1
Boys and girls grow this. Pubic hair Boys and girls grow this. 1,2
Sexually transmitted diseases What does STD stand for. 1,3
Condoms should be made out of. Latex Condoms should be made out of. 1,4
Estrogen The female hormone. 2,1
Boys do not have this until Sperm Boys do not have this until puberty. 2,2
Name an STD that you can build up an immunity to. NONE Name an STD that you can build up an immunity to. 2,3
STD that can be transferred from mouth to private area Herpes STD that can be transferred from mouth to private area and reverse. 2,4
The ovaries release 1 mature Ovulation The ovaries release 1 mature egg a month . This is called… 3,1
Name the hormone that triggers testosterone Name the hormone that triggers puberty in boys. 3,2
Abstinence 100% way to prevent an STD. 3,3
Chemical required on a condom Spermacide, nonoxynol 9 Chemical required on a condom to kill sperm and STD’s. 3,4
Sperm + seminal fluid ______ + _____= semen. 4,1
Chemical substances produced in glands and regulate many Hormones Chemical substances produced in glands and regulate many body functions. 4,2
Virus, bacteria, parasite Name 3 causes of STD’s. 4,3
Type the answer for 4,4 here. (Type the question for 4,4 here.)? Type the answer for 4,4 here. 4,4
Testicles hang outside the Temperature Regulated Testicles hang outside the Body because they are... 5,1
Name 2 glands and their hormones. See teacher Name 2 glands and their hormones. 5,2
HIV and STD’s are spread Oral, anal, vaginal sex, IV drug use, childbirth HIV and STD’s are spread through. 5,3
A condom can hold this much 4 quarts A condom can hold this much fluid. 5,4