UNIVERSITY OF BIHAĆ Faculty of Technical Engineering 28-29 March 2017 Ostrava
Progress report about accreditation status and status of tendering equipment 28-29 March 2017 Ostrava
What has been done so far? Scientific faculty council approved DBBT master studies with proposed syllabuses Committee for quality and evaluation gave their positive opinion for proposed DBBT master studies Senate of University of Bihac approved proposed DBBT master studies with proposed syllabuses
The curriculum for master study DBBT Course title Semester Number of hours per week Number of hours per semester ECTS Mandatory/ Elective P V Signal Processing and Acoustics I 2 30 5 Required course HD and 3D TV Wireless and satellite communications systems Multimedia TV systems Digital Image Processing Elective course 1 Broadcasting Engineering Internet telephony and television Elective courses2 DVB-X Systems Broj ECTS kredita za I semestar
The proposed curriculum for DBBT Course title Semester Number of hours per week Number of hours per semester ECTS Mandatory/ Elective P V Audio-Video Production II 2 30 5 Required course Publishing research paper Master thesis 20 Broj ECTS kredita za II semestar
What is expected in the future? Now we need approval of the Ministry of Education for DBBT master studies Subsequently, we ask for approval from the Goverment to advertise inviting applications for enrollment of students The first generation of graduate student will enroll in DBBT master studies in 2017/2018
Status of tendering equipment Tender was successfully launched and we have one bidder that meets all the conditions of the tender Tender was for all equipment Now we are waiting for approval from the management board to conclude the tender After the completion of these procedures, the equipment will be purchased
Status of tendering equipment
Status of tendering equipment